usage of the word 'fujoshi'

luhanspatula March 18, 2019 1:37 pm

okay i have a question for those that call themselves 'fujoshis'
alright so, why do you call yourselves fujoshis as if its something to be proud about? a fujoshi is someone that literally fetishizes gay men. like idk i don't understand it? is it a thing that you don't talk about in real life so you use this platform to express your ~uwu~ gay fantasies?
idk this seems a bit mean spirited asking this, maybe some of you just use the label very lightheartedly? please anyone share their views on this, i'd like to hear your opinions. this is just mine, feel free to come at me or whatever i guess.
also, this is from a lesbian girl just for clarification.

    YuzukiMikage March 18, 2019 1:42 pm

    Same shit as when you boast yourself as being a lesbian I guess.

    silversky March 18, 2019 1:44 pm

    this doesn't really answer your question but i feel the name fujoshi is used negatively nowadays which is why i don't personally like calling myself one

    Stupide-Renard March 18, 2019 1:52 pm

    My BFF Wiki says it means someone who loves BL. And only this. I dont know where the thing about fetishizing gay came from (though I heard of it)
    And while it smthg negative in Japan, where we livre, we are proud of it. There's nothing to be ashamed of reading BL in occident. (Culture differencies.)
    So if it's only being a BL fan, why not. But still, I prefer saying "I like reading BL" than "I'm a fujoshi." I hate being categorized as smthg. And yeah, I don't know why they are proud of it So much they need to give it a name.

    #justanormalfujoshi March 18, 2019 2:00 pm

    I don't think you can just describe a fujoshi as someone who fetishizes gay people. If that's the meaning behind the word, most of us have been using it wrong. Some of us like to read yaoi because normal shoujo is bland and boring after one point, some of us think that people who can love each other despite hardships are cute. Sadly, of course there are people who fetishize gay men in the community as well and I can understand that BL manga doesn't really represent the LGBT community truly, however I don't think fujoshis are at fault here. Also, again, BL manga are only works of fiction and nothing that happens in the manga are real, the characters aren't real so I don't understand why everyone is so offended because of this topic.

    miwako March 18, 2019 3:51 pm
    I don't think you can just describe a fujoshi as someone who fetishizes gay people. If that's the meaning behind the word, most of us have been using it wrong. Some of us like to read yaoi because normal shoujo... #justanormalfujoshi

    I'm agree with u (=・ω・=)

    TheFujosh March 18, 2019 7:23 pm

    I wouldn't use it as fetishizing gay sex because I've read a lot of manhwa's without the sex part and just for the story and really loved it I just find gay relationships more sincere then straight ones like straight relationships I feel as if the other partner could easily cheat on the other instead of gay it feels like a less chance of happening and they are also a lot more cute because I don't like lesbian stuff no offense I just don't like it

    Yuriko-chan June 11, 2020 8:21 pm

    Hi! I know this an old question but to put it simply, a fujoshi is just a girl that enjoys bl. And it can be any calling of bl too! Whether it’s hardcore or soft core. Fujoshi doesn’t mean fetishizer even if that’s how people use it :) that’s why girls that like bl refer to themselves like that.