Am I the only one?

Ursa Major March 18, 2019 7:37 am

Am I the only one, who still thinks and hopes that it wasnt the last chapter? Clearly the last chapter did not say 'the end' and there still lots of loose ends... This could have been dropped and marked as completed. If someday i go to korea, i will hunt the rest of the chapters if it has.

That said, when I first read this way back in highschool i shipped lucien and ley.. Now, after rereading it a hundred times, i think michael deserve her the most, he was the only one to protect ley in the shadows, he loves her unconditionally, he even thinks he doesnt deserve her. I mean ley and lucien obviously had that chemistry because they dreamt about each other premeeting andall that jazz. But i just need justice for michael hahaha. Michael's fate has been cruel eversince he was young, he is nothing. He could atleast get the girl becos lucien on the other hand, has his kingdom and it will alwyas be his first priority.
Well, maybe, that is one of the reasons why the author chose an open ended ending like that. To not destroy ships nor sail it. And leave it to our own imagination. Oh well, I can accept that she will not end up with any guy BUT I CANNOT ACCEPT THE ENDING, that was wayyyy too rushed. It feels it wasn't the end.
The author should have tied the loose ends such as my theory on Ian being lucien's long lost brother, michael being part of leon tribe, camiel ended up being the new land lord ofall jagar tribe and earning the respect of people under lucien's kingdom. Ian marrying linua and becoming rulers of that place he once became robin hood. Sean becoming lovers with sharis andstill fighting like idiots. And ley officially becoming the new queen of Kabul. With michael and cid as her personal guards. Michael primarily because hes just clingy like that and cid because hes a knight of kabul and hes stopped seeking revenge on jager.
