
taeyong's astro twin March 21, 2019 11:08 pm

the fact some of you are normalizing being a psychopath is... yikes

just because someone had a rough childhood doesn’t excuse them of criminal acts, not every people who had a bad childhood has turned out to be a criminal, there IS a choice

edit: re-phrased - rather than normalizing criminal activities, these people should address that people with mental illnesses should get treated so that they dont kill others

    BlueButterfly7 March 18, 2019 4:03 am


    George March 18, 2019 9:13 am

    You shouldn't take domestic violence lightly. Saying he has a choice? Say that when you have exprienced such life. I am definitely not normalizing anything but he is definitely a victim. He is sick and he needs help and treatment and you're the one normalizing that all people have the same mental stability. Everyone has their limit. There's a reason why mentally ill people doesn't get the same penalty as the sane ones. What he did is obviously wrong but people should not miss out the root of the problem. It's how he was raised and i believe that most people raised in murderous environment would think that it is normal to kill. Study harder and understand things. There are exceptions, of course, but if people dont learn to distinguish what the real problem is, there won't be any change.

    howling_apple March 19, 2019 12:23 am
    You shouldn't take domestic violence lightly. Saying he has a choice? Say that when you have exprienced such life. I am definitely not normalizing anything but he is definitely a victim. He is sick and he nee... George

    Thank you so much for saying this. This is true and nuanced and needs to be heard.

    taeyong's astro twin March 21, 2019 10:52 pm
    You shouldn't take domestic violence lightly. Saying he has a choice? Say that when you have exprienced such life. I am definitely not normalizing anything but he is definitely a victim. He is sick and he nee... George

    I KNOW THAT, but i’m addressing the ones that are justifying him regardless of him having a rough upbringing or not, to the point of fetishizing him murdering people as if that was ok
