There are some stories with ukes who also insist on being sex-friends, egoistically ignori...

Yume March 15, 2019 9:01 am

There are some stories with ukes who also insist on being sex-friends, egoistically ignoring semes' feelings and almost all the readers are like 'it's his freedom to sleep around', 'seme shouldn't force his feelings on uke' or 'he was probably hurt in the past, give him a break'. If it comes to this manga, Yaku is pretty much traumatized because of this older guy but some readers seem to think that seme has to be a perfect machine without weaknesses. Just give him a chance to learn how to trust again. I know that Hino is a precious guy and he certainly deserves love, but why hate on Yaku so much? We at least know his background and reasons why he's acting like this. He was just a high-schooler and a person he liked used him, it's no wonder he has distrustful attitude toward relationships. He's falling for Hino but he has a hard time accepting it and he doesn't really believe that Hino likes him (in the chapter 3 he thinks 'I can't think of any reason why he'll like me'). He also feels remorse due to his behavior. So yeah, I agree that he acted like a jerk but he doesn't deserve such a scolding, especially that some other manga's characters get away with much worse.

    Morning Wood March 17, 2019 5:14 pm
    "Yaku knew Hino loved him yet he forced a fuck buddy relationship into him, he knew it would end up bad to Hino": I never said he was forced, I said :"And yes, Hino was "ok" to be "fuck buddies" with Yaku, but... @Anonymous

    "I never said hino doesnt have fault at all" You did not, the OTHER guy is the one who said it, he said he is INNOCENT, and in my post I clearly say in the first line YOU GUYS, meaning Im replying to all things all of you said, not only you, all other coments who blame Yaku. I didnt even quote you BTW, once more it seems you cant read properly, my post is not 100% a reply to you, some things are some arent youre not even quoted. But hey at least you admited you need to learn to read so that is an improvement already.

    Now WHERE did I say everybody should agree with me??Once more, cant read. The Thing is the other guy kept saying "they dont understand our ideology" "they dont get the concept" he kept saying over and over again I dont understand what you guys are saying, and as you know I was talking to both of you and the others not only you so not everything I said is about your post. I dont want you to agree with me at all, I never did, Im just proving with FACTS that you guys are saying a bunch of things that aint true, to solely blame Yaku, and make Hino a Saint. Im mean God, saying Hino is INNOCENT is so not true, Im not saying youre the one who said it BTW before you misread things again.

    "Yaku repeats several time that for him it's just for sex, Why ? Hino is not that stupid to not understand what it means the first time he said that." Why? Once more this proves you didnt read the manga properly, everytime Yaku is mean to Hino and says outloud they are ONLY sex buddies is because HINO is trying to pry on Yakus life, asking personal stuff, pushing his feelings into him, there is your Why, its not Yaku intentionaly being mean to Hino like you are implying, is Yaku shutting down Hino's advances, Reared it youll see.

    Its all good, you too find Hino guilt as you said : "I never said Hino doesn't have fault at all", and yeah he is IMO. The difference is that you think Yaku is being mean because he wants to or because w/e other reason, to me Yaku isnt being mean he is just sticking to the role they both agreed on and whenever he shuts Hino down is because Hino himself is trying to push his feelings into him wich in my opinion is solely Hino's problem, I can never blame Yaku for Hino's decisions. To you its almost like Yaku has the obligation to guess Hino loves him and Yaku also have to break things off but you know what? Hino knows he is in love with Yaku, Hino also can break things off so why is it Yakus obligation? Because Hino is in love he cant know whats best for him? Nope, dont agree, we all responsable for our own actions and for our agreements, not the others. PS : this is not me trying to change your mind, not wanting you to agree with me, this is me proving my point.

    Morning Wood March 17, 2019 5:40 pm

    1- I did not quote you (before now), my post is replying to all posts above some things are about your post some arent, there are lot of posts above yours blaming yaku this is why I start wih YOU GUYS at the very first line. Thanks for admiting you need to learn how to read though, cause you said many things about this manga that didnt happen.

    2- You opinion is : because Hino is in love with Yaku he cant think properly, he cant break things off so its up to Yaku to do it, its up to Yaku to guess Hino is in love with him and break up, youre pushing Hinos decisions onto Yaku with the excuse of being in love, nope. To me we are ALWAYS responsable for our own actions, not other people.

    3-"Yaku repeats several time that for him it's just for sex, Why ? Hino is not that stupid to not understand what it means the first time he said that." This proves once again you didnt read te manga properly, everytime Yaku has shut Hino down he did it because HINO tried to pry on his life, tried to ask personal stuff it wasnt Yaku being mean for no reason like you are implying, its always Hino not sticking to the role HE agreed to while Yaku was.

    4-Where did I ever say I wanted you or anyone to agree with me? Proving my point does not equal trying to change your mind, I dont want you to agree with me never did, proving my point by presenting facts is another thing though, this is what argumentation means.

    5- You agree with me that Hino is guilty, though you blame Yaku too while I dont.

    6- No youre not stupid. You just think that people in love arent resposanble for their own actions/decisions and its up for others to decide whats best for them. Because Hino is in love is up to Yaku to decide whats best for him, Hino cant do it himself. I dont agree.

    Morning Wood March 17, 2019 5:42 pm
    You're 100% right. They're just trying to push all the responsibility onto Yaku, although he was completely clueless about Hino's feelings when they started being sex friends. Readers may know from the start th... @RandomBLReader

    Yup, pretty much it

    Anonymous March 17, 2019 7:35 pm
    1- I did not quote you (before now), my post is replying to all posts above some things are about your post some arent, there are lot of posts above yours blaming yaku this is why I start wih YOU GUYS at the ve... Morning Wood

    "because Hino is in love with Yaku he cant think properly" : have you ever fell in love ? you know this feeling which can make us act like fools, make us blind about a lot of things ?
    try it and come back to talk about what idiot/foolish/stupid.......things human beings do when in love, because, yes, love can fuck our brain pretty bad (in a good or a bad way).
    And don't forget Hino was a virgin, the first time they had sex. It's something new to him. Yaku is the first who exploited him like that (chap 3 p 8).

    Everything Hino does scream he loves Yaku, if Yaku doesn't see it, he's really blind ! The need to repeat constantly there are nothing between us but sex prove it (at least for me). For me he feels that Hino loves him.
    And if Yaku doesn't know that Hino likes him, he questionned himself about it (chap 3 p 9).

    Of course we are all responsible for our actions and decisions. So Hino is responsible for his choices, I'm sure I didn't say otherwise.
    But between "fuck buddies", when one of them knows/feels the other have feelings, it's common that he/she stops it before the hope is too high : "oh shit, my fuck buddy seems to like me, I'm gonna tell him/her it's wiser to stop because I don't feel the same", something like that.
    Hino won't stop this "fuck buddies" relationship blinded by his love, so in this case Yaku should take the responsibility to stop before it's too late. But don't worry, in the end they are both in love with each other.

    I'm gonna shock you, but Irl, I'm more Yaku than Hino, minus the "fuck buddies" thing, I'm not fond of it.

    Morning Wood March 18, 2019 2:18 am

    Im glad we reached common ground

    1- You addmited its not clear sky Yaku knows Hino is in love with him like you said previously in your first post, you stated previously he knew everything yet decided to be his fuck buddy even so. He might know, he might not so far, this makes a lot of difference. This makes Yaku innocent even to you, assuming he didnt realise yet, wich I believe he didnt, he might consider the possibility but isnt sure. if he did realise it though then he isnt innocent, cause its up to him to decide whats best for them (in your opinion), I dont agree with this last part to me Yaku is not responsable for Hinos "love blindness" and its not up to him to decide whats best for Hino. I get your point though, its valid.

    2- I totally get that being in love make you do stupid things, I agree with you on that BUT whatever you do is on you, whatever mistake you make because youre in love is your fault IMO, and it appears you also think this way. This leads to > Hino is to blame< , he isnt innocent, he isnt being preyd upon, he isnt free of charges like other people said before, you also agree with this.

    I guess this is it, I think you understand now that Yaku didnt know about his feelings before they became Fuck buddies and that he might still not know it, at the very least he isnt sure yet, to us readers its easy to realise cause we know Hino is stalking him since high school, Yaku dont know about this. Once Yaku finally realises it for sure and still chose not to end things then you can start to think he is being mean/bad/dirty, I wont since I dont think this way.

    I dont know what Yaku is going to do on the next chapters but so far, he didnt do anything wrong IMO. We arent even sure if he knows Hino is in love with him yet.