There are some stories with ukes who also insist on being sex-friends, egoistically ignori...

Yume March 15, 2019 9:01 am

There are some stories with ukes who also insist on being sex-friends, egoistically ignoring semes' feelings and almost all the readers are like 'it's his freedom to sleep around', 'seme shouldn't force his feelings on uke' or 'he was probably hurt in the past, give him a break'. If it comes to this manga, Yaku is pretty much traumatized because of this older guy but some readers seem to think that seme has to be a perfect machine without weaknesses. Just give him a chance to learn how to trust again. I know that Hino is a precious guy and he certainly deserves love, but why hate on Yaku so much? We at least know his background and reasons why he's acting like this. He was just a high-schooler and a person he liked used him, it's no wonder he has distrustful attitude toward relationships. He's falling for Hino but he has a hard time accepting it and he doesn't really believe that Hino likes him (in the chapter 3 he thinks 'I can't think of any reason why he'll like me'). He also feels remorse due to his behavior. So yeah, I agree that he acted like a jerk but he doesn't deserve such a scolding, especially that some other manga's characters get away with much worse.

    Morning Wood March 15, 2019 9:28 am

    So true, though to me Yaku didnt even act like a jerk at all since the begining he said "sex friends" he was trueful. Dont want it? Want a romantic relationship? Say no and get out. What I dont like is when characters are abusive, deceitful and so on. Yaku was never like that. Btw if Hino loves Yaku too much thats HIS problem I would say fault even, people cant blame Yaku for not loving him back, lets not twist logic. He doesnt like to talk about himself, he doesnt want friends, he doesnt want to be in a relationship he made all that clear to Hino, you know what all these things have in common? They are all Yaku's rights if these things make Hino suffer because he loves Yaku too much Id say poor Hino, thats a feelsbadman even so it isnt Yaku's fault at all, its Hino's problem.

    Acchan March 15, 2019 10:42 am

    You said everything that's right about this manga bless u

    Meow Nyann March 15, 2019 10:53 am

    Exactly what I said in my previous post but it was buried by some bitch who started spamming shit. It's so funny when people resonate with the decisions that's been made when it's an uke but when it's a seme suddenly he's an asshole who deserves to be alone?

    The seme repeatedly clarified where their relationship stand and the uke accepted it. He didn't give any hopes, no bullshit.

    sinnaboi March 15, 2019 2:44 pm

    hmmmmm,, as a person with trust issues myself,, it's hard to see yourself as loveable if you've been used as a sub for someone else or have been hurt and it's a natural reaction for him to be harsh as a defense mech to not "repeat the same mistake again". heck... i even sometimes do it to people who are close to me during times of stress in which they are watching me break down and it triggers that reaction, i think i AM getting a bit better at trying to trust but there's still a lot more to go and i don't blame the seme for being "blind", once something fucks your shit, people who share a similar mindset will have rules about how to avoid it "happening again" and have very extreme reactions to when things line up a little TOO well whether it be only for a sentence or a one second action

    s o r u t o c c h i March 15, 2019 2:52 pm

    Trueee. I can't really blame Yaku. A lot more people needs to read this thread.

    This manga's approach is realistic and I don't like how others get used to the perfect seme in BL and get blinded by it.

    blueninja89 March 15, 2019 5:22 pm

    i could care less about a person's sexual position and how that would have anything to do with their unsavory behavior. If a person has a shit personality whatever role they take up in bed has nothing to do with it. Again the excuse that he has a traumatic past relationship does not excuse his actions. If you think just because you've had a hard life excuses your asshole behavior, then go look at all the other people who've suffered the same or worse and still find it in themselves not to be dicks to everyone they meet. If you have a mechanism of treating people this way because of trust issues or insecurities you need therapy or singlehood for some personal growth not a sex addiction to exacerbate your ability to connect to people once more. If you take this route you have no one to blame for your problems in feeling "used" being you are "using" others now to fix yourself temporarily over and over gain without any differing result, the very definition of insanity. Sick and tired of the excuse that someone being a jerk has solely to do with trust issues and an inability to relate beyond personal boundaries. Admittedly Hino choosing to go along with Yaku's conditions for a fwb relationship is Hino's own misdoings, but you can have a fwb with someone and still not treat them in such a callous manner. The point is you treat them like a "FRIEND" or at least someone deserving of respect at the very least. Yaku doesn't truthfully owe Hino anything I'll agree on that point whole heartedly and Hino's desperation is likely his inexperience. Yet, Yaku treats Hino for the most part like a bootycall fuck and begrudgingly accepts Hino presence and feelings in a way that is disingenuous where it is mostly stringing Hino along rather than ending their relationship completely if Yaku is so apparently uncomfortable or uncertain of it. As someone else put it Hino has every right to pull out of the relationship again Yaku doesn't owe Hino anything, but Yaku knowing that Hino likes him and for all his smarts having experienced the emotion of having his own feelings treated so harshly, Yaku has forgotten empathy at best or is a hypocrite at worse. The point is it is unfair and the need for them to fall in love is necessary in order for Yaku to "change" is ridiculous and utterly fairytale like. Yaku deserves love too but through some beast to prince bs narrative. This is literally the set up for many fwb BL plots whether from the "uke" or "seme" perspective and overall it's manipulative and damaging. There doesn't need to be physical abuse involved to make it bad. At the moment the worse offender in my opinion as of recently is BJ Alex as the creme de la creme of toxicity and fwb themed plots, but this story isn't an extreme but it isn't some unique experience either.

    blueninja89 March 15, 2019 5:25 pm
    i could care less about a person's sexual position and how that would have anything to do with their unsavory behavior. If a person has a shit personality whatever role they take up in bed has nothing to do wit... blueninja89

    ˆˆˆˆsorry "Yaku deserves love but NOT through some beast to prince bs narrative."

    sinnaboi March 16, 2019 1:22 am
    i could care less about a person's sexual position and how that would have anything to do with their unsavory behavior. If a person has a shit personality whatever role they take up in bed has nothing to do wit... blueninja89

    i get the whole "it doesn't excuse shitty behaviour" but you still got to remember that most of what he does MAY be out of instinct and self defense (+ some people can handle more traumatic stuff while others are weak and can handle only one experience and be scarred for life). i believe that him stringing hino along is because he truely doesn't believe that hino loves him, again, why would someone with a traumatic past of being used be trustful of someone they haven't seen in a long time and doesn't even remember having any interactions with? it sounds suspicious to him, but i do agree with your whole "respect" thing, it's seriously not an excuse for him to degrade hino's right to be respected just because they are sex friends :T should just say "sex toy" to not imply that they're even "friends" in the first place if he's gonna treat a friend like crap outside of sex

    blueninja89 March 16, 2019 1:48 am
    i get the whole "it doesn't excuse shitty behaviour" but you still got to remember that most of what he does MAY be out of instinct and self defense (+ some people can handle more traumatic stuff while others a... sinnaboi

    thank you for understanding my point. I think what bugs me is the whole situation boils down to Yaku was traumatized so now in his attempt to resit getting hurt again he's enacting the same behaviors he experienced onto Hino without acknowledging that a relationship even one based solely on sex involves people with emotions. Just because Yaku can't see beyond his own emotions at this point does not means he's not harming Hino emotionally. Yaku knows he's doing this, has even experienced himself, and still continues to do so. This isn't simply a defense mechanism, a defense mechanism is testing the waters for so long and "respectfully" ending a relationship he's not fully prepared or comfortable enough to provide Hino not this purposeful "stringing along" there is lies the difference for me in justifying his actions. Yaku is welcome to have sex focused relationships or romantic relationships as well when and where he should feel like, but not with someone who for the purpose of the plot is a tool to fix him and his trauma that is completely unfair to Hino and utterly selfish.

    blueninja89 March 16, 2019 1:51 am
    i get the whole "it doesn't excuse shitty behaviour" but you still got to remember that most of what he does MAY be out of instinct and self defense (+ some people can handle more traumatic stuff while others a... sinnaboi

    again the narrative becomes "I can fix you" at the expense of my own self worth and self esteem because love overcomes all. Love should not hurt you. We need to stop perpetuating this narrative.

    SOPHY12 March 16, 2019 2:48 am
    i could care less about a person's sexual position and how that would have anything to do with their unsavory behavior. If a person has a shit personality whatever role they take up in bed has nothing to do wit... blueninja89

    You're wasting your time on this lot. I don't think they understand the the ideology behind your posts. They only care that the seme clearly stated he wanted a fuck buddy. They don't see the other side where the seme clearly knows how the uke feels but continues to use him as a fuck buddy.

    Yes, the uke is okay with it, because he likes the seme and wants to get closer to him, but the seme knows this and takes advantage of the situation.

    To reiterate from a previous post, I'll always be on the side of the victim regardless of sexual position, gender, etc.

    Treat others like you want to be treated.

    Morning Wood March 16, 2019 8:58 am
    You're wasting your time on this lot. I don't think they understand the the ideology behind your posts. They only care that the seme clearly stated he wanted a fuck buddy. They don't see the other side where th... SOPHY12

    Nope its not that we dont understand the ideology, its only that our way of thinking is different. I tottally get it and understand your way of thinking its time for you to do the same for us the 48 likes, there is no right and wrong. First things first, I can clearly see that for you fuck buddy is a bad thing, you said "use him as a fuck buddy" guess what to me it isnt at all, I have many many friends that do that and they all happy about it NONE feel used nor anything like that, they just enjoying having sex with people no strings attached,no talking about life nor personal things is Yaku a terrible person for that? To me No he isnt because being a fuck buddy isnt bad if both people agreed. He doesnt like talking about himself so he shuts Hino down whenever he tries to force him to, is it a bad thing? Is he treating Hino like shit? No, to me he isnt cause he doesnt like to talk about himself and there isnt anything wrong with that, anything.

    Now lets talk about perspective to you Yaku is taking advantage of the fact the Hino loves him to get laid right? Could I say that Hino is taking advantage of Yaku's sexual needs only to be embraced by the guy he loves and feel good about it during the sex? Yeah I could 100% say that, see? Different opinions are like this, they come from different points of views to me Hino isnt the inocent poor little guy, he is on it because he gets happy whenever Yaku embraces him, really really happy and satisfied. Yaku is on it because he wants to have sex and both of them agreed with being fuck buddies Hino is the one who is trying to push things over to match his own goal. Do you realise now that many things I said you dont agree? Im sure that while I dont blame Yaku in many situations you do and this isnt me not understanding your ideology, its only me not agreeing with it.

    You said "Treat others like you want to be treated" EXACTLY!!! How does Yaku treats Hino? As a fuck buddy who he isnt interested in, He doesnt want to know what Hino likes nor anything like that, guess what this is EXACTLY how he wanted Hino to treat him, have sex and back off. The thing is to YOU and to whoever blames Yaku, his behavior is BAD, its a bad thing, only having sex and not wanting to talk with the person you having sex with is bad, To Yaku, to me and many people out there, there isnt anything wrong with it as long both people agree with it.

    Also you said "Ill always be on the side of the victm" Me to!! But hey to me Hino is no victm, he is on it because he gets something he wants from it same as Yaku, the only difference is that Yaku is 100% satisfied with how things are, Hino isnt so he tries to push for more.

    To sum things up, being a fuck buddy, not wanting to talk about yourself with a fuck buddy, not being interested in a fuck buddy personal tastes isnt a bad thing at all to me, it does not equal treat someone like shit, this is actually how fuck buddies should behave the thing is Hino doesnt have the mindset of a fuck buddy and this is why he suffers, he should not be on a fuck buddy relatonship since he cant handle it but even so he is, because he feels happy to be with Yaku, he gets something from it. To you Yaku's behavior is bad, to me Yakus is only behaving as a standard fuck buddy wich is a pretty normal relationship in my country TBH. No Vilains nor victms here IMO. I do understand and get your way of thinking though just dont agree with it cause I see things differently.

    Also I saw in another post someone saying ALL fuck buddies act as friends, and that Yaku deosnt treat Hino that way, that he is a bad person for act this way. Im sorry to burst your bubble but this statement isnt true at all, I know fuck buddies who dont even like each other even so they enjoy having sex a lot. Some fuck buddies are friends, some arent, some like each other a bit, some hate each other but sex is so good its worth it, some know everything about each other some dont even know their partner surnames and also dont care to know.

    Dont worry Im sure mangaka will make Yaku feel bad about what his doing and fall for Hino, cause not even Yaku has the mindset of a fuck buddy after all, he is acting like one because he is scared this is the truth, if he was a true fuck buddy though he would not feel bad at all and just keep doing it with other people who would enjoy as much as him as long as they were not in love with him like Hino is. Fuck buddies are not bad people, they just want to have sex some of them dont even care about their partners names whatsoever and plenty people out there live happy like this this is not treating someone like shit like you guys are saying as long as both of them are in the same page and agree with it. Too bad Hino agreed with the terms even though he cant take it. I dont see Yaku treating anyone like shit nor disrespectfuly so far (not sure about furute chapters) cause I know people who live like that and are happy about it. Hino dont say Yes to something you cant handle, Yaku is doing what a fuck buddy is supposed to, no fuck buddy has the obligation to even say a single word to their partner let alone talk about their lives, if they want to talk they can but there is no obligation.

    One more thing I will never agree with "Oh I got hurt in the past, this give me the right to hurt people so I can heal over" either, this is bullshit, we see this in a lot of mangas ugh BUT to me Yaku isnt hurting anyone in a ->> wicked way, like propursly<<--, he established a fuck buddy relationship with some random guy, he is stickng for his part of the deal wich is -> not talking about yourself, not having any interest in your fuck buddy, only have sex and back out, a normal fuck buddy relationship I see everyday, commonly, and whenever Hino tries to push a personal conversation he shuts him down wich isnt wrong at all. Hino in the other hand does not have the mindeset for this thus he suffers, so Hino move one, find yourself another love and be happy cause your not meant for being a fuck buddy this is Yaku's life style now wich isnt wrong at all. Our opinions about this are different and none of us are right/wrong just dont say I dont understand peoples ideology cause it aint true.

    Anonymous March 16, 2019 4:34 pm
    Nope its not that we dont understand the ideology, its only that our way of thinking is different. I tottally get it and understand your way of thinking its time for you to do the same for us the 48 likes, ther... Morning Wood

    The problem is not the "fuck buddies" thing, it's that Yaku accepted to be "fuck buddy" with someone who loves him. He knows this will end badly for Hino because he doesn't want to love anybody. You don't choose to love someone, Hino doesn't choose to love Yaku, it just happened. But Yaku choose to never fall in love with anybody.
    And yes, Hino was "ok" to be "fuck buddies" with Yaku, but when we are in love we tend to do stupid shit sometimes. He accepted because it's the only thing Yaku agreed to give him, and he probably thought that he will love him is they spend time together. It's human to think that way.
    Don't choose to be "fuck buddies" with someone who loves you, turn this person down, it's the best thing to do, unless you doesn't care if you're breaking his heart knowingly.

    SOPHY12 March 16, 2019 6:26 pm
    The problem is not the "fuck buddies" thing, it's that Yaku accepted to be "fuck buddy" with someone who loves him. He knows this will end badly for Hino because he doesn't want to love anybody. You don't choos... @Anonymous

    Exactly. After all they wrote, they still don't get that concept.

    SOPHY12 March 16, 2019 7:23 pm
    Nope its not that we dont understand the ideology, its only that our way of thinking is different. I tottally get it and understand your way of thinking its time for you to do the same for us the 48 likes, ther... Morning Wood

    Damn, I accidentally deleted my long ass response.

    In short, I resonate more with Yaku than Hino, because I've preyed on people (girls and boys) who liked me to get what I want. It's easy to manipulate people who like you, because you realize they'll do anything you want. Due to my experiences, I believe Hino is innocent.

    Yes, Yaku wanted a fuck buddy, but he chose one who he knew liked him. The point is Yaku could've broken it off, but he chose to stay and use Hino.

    Morning Wood March 17, 2019 12:25 am

    Im sorry to tell you guys this -> you both just said things that DID NOT happen in this manga, in other others youre saying lies about Yaku. First : The first time they had sex Yaku HAD NO IDEIA Hino loved him whatsoever, Second : Yaku didnt choose to be his fuck buddy ALONE they BOTH chose that + at the time they chose this Yaku had NO IDEIA Hino loved him. One more thing the one who approached Yaku was Hino!!! lets not forget about this too

    Yet you both saying "Yaku knew Hino loved him yet he forced a fuck buddy relationship into him, he knew it would end up bad to Hino" ????????????????? He DIDNT know and he DIDNT force nor chose anything alone, stick to the true facts please. Reread if needed cause this right here =>" Don't choose to be "fuck buddies" with someone who loves you, turn this person down" and "Yes, Yaku wanted a fuck buddy, but he chose one who he knew liked him" aint true, when they agreed Yaku didnt know about Hinos feelings.

    Now comming back to the TRUE facts to show you how I do understand but just dont AGREE with you, after things scalated LATER you just keep solely blaming Yaku for not breaking off with Hino and completley exent Hino from ANY guilt whatsoever. You said " when we are in love we tend to do stupid shit sometimes" Let me show how our aways of thinking differ : to you because Hino is in Love he is 100% exent from ANY guilt/blame its all Yakus fault, cause Hino cant make a safe choice he is vulnarable because he is in love. To me being in love WILL NEVER 100% exenting you from your mistakes, when youre in love you still a thinking human being and you CAN still make the right choices, so if you make a mistake then YES at least some guilt is on you or maybe all of it. If I kill the girl I love out of jeously because Im in love with her, it will be 100% my fault, being in love wont exent me from my poor decision and no one can blame her for not breaking off things with me first since she knew I loved her too much and that she could be in danger for that, it isnt HER fault its MINE. Imagine if everyone could just go to the court and say "Hey I was in love, Im 100% innocent for whatever you charging me for, people in love make mistakes, I couldnt think straight because I was in love, He manipulated me" Come on!! This is not even near a good excuse.

    I dont want any of you to think the way we do nor do I want to think they way you do but please understand people see things differently there is no right/wrong here, and if you think this way Im can only feel sorry for you cause this isnt how life work. Also please stop saying Yaku intentionaly PREYD in a poor inoocent guy who he 100% knew was in love with him, cause this isnt true at all. He had no ideia about Hinos feelings, He didnt prey on anyone since he was the one preyd in the Alley, also shame on you for doing that cause this is sick, real sick thank god you dont do that anymore, I believe. Dont distort the facts fellows!!!

    Morning Wood March 17, 2019 12:52 am

    >>> <<<

    What an inoocent in love prey Hino is huh?! He went and cornered Yaku in the Alley after Yaku went out alone from the get together Wow what a fierce little bunny. Hino even pretended to be player only to get Yaku, and when they decided to become sex buddies later on Yaku still thought that Hino was a Playboy just like him, he had no idea Hino was in fact a little in love bunny liar who faked being a playboy. I can never say Hino is innocent, 100% exent from guilty, ever, he even lied/pretended.

    Morning Wood March 17, 2019 1:20 am

    IT ALL STARTED WITH HINO -> stalking, cornering Yaku in the Alley, Lying and Pretendening to be a playboy only to manipulate Yaku who didnt even care about Hino at all so Hino could get what HE wanted and when they became fuck buddies Hino was STILL pretending to be a playboy Yaku was STILL being manipulated by him, had no idea Hino was in love with him whatsoever. What a nasty "victm" we have here, but hey he is in love so doing all that is 100% valid and makes him 100% innocent right?! How can you say Yaku PREYD on Hino ????????????????????????????

    If being in love is enough excuse to exent you from ANY blame/guilt from lying , pretend, make bad decision for yourself and others, manipulate others to get what you want then we are all doomed.

    I cant see Hino as a sweet little innocent bunny who has no sins whatsoever and Yaku as the super bad vilain who is 100% at fault, since their relationship already started with a forced meeting from Hino + Hino Lying and pretending to be something he isnt. Who is preying on who here?? Who is manipulating who?? Yaku who didnt even cared about Hino at all or Hino who kept stalking him, forcing meetings and even Lying about his own character just to get his atention?Oh wait Hino is in love, so he can do all that and get away with it, he isnt to blame, he might just kill Yaku now too he is in love afterall, he can make mistakes, lie, manipulate and still be 100% innocent anyways. Thank god the LAW dont make people who are in love innocent for their crimes.

    RandomBLReader March 17, 2019 2:05 pm
    IT ALL STARTED WITH HINO -> stalking, cornering Yaku in the Alley, Lying and Pretendening to be a playboy only to manipulate Yaku who didnt even care about Hino at all so Hino could get what HE wanted and wh... Morning Wood

    You're 100% right. They're just trying to push all the responsibility onto Yaku, although he was completely clueless about Hino's feelings when they started being sex friends. Readers may know from the start that Hino is in love with Yaku because he's a narrator, but why would they assume that Yaku has the same knowledge? How could he know what Hino feels or thinks? Is he omnipotent? Hino is also an adult so it's reasonable to expect that he knows what he's doing and he's able to predict consequences of his decisions. It would be another story if he confessed from the start and then was persuaded by Yaku to become sex friends, but it's not like that at all. Yaku was betrayed in the past, he's used to purely physical relationships. Then this guy he hardly knows approaches his forcibly AND he seems to be looking for a one-night stand... Even in chapter 3 it's not clear that Yaku knows about Hino's feelings, he thinks that Hino approached him because he wanted to fool around. The truth is, Hino was dishonest from the start and Yaku's not a mind-reader. If Hino can't tell what's good for him, then Yaku should be the one to do that in his stead? I also don't understand why Hino's dishonesty is justified by him being in love, but Yaku's attitude can't be justified by him being used and deceived while he was a naive teenager ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous March 17, 2019 3:54 pm
    Im sorry to tell you guys this -> you both just said things that DID NOT happen in this manga, in other others youre saying lies about Yaku. First : The first time they had sex Yaku HAD NO IDEIA Hino loved ... Morning Wood

    "Yaku knew Hino loved him yet he forced a fuck buddy relationship into him, he knew it would end up bad to Hino":
    I never said he was forced, I said :
    "And yes, Hino was "ok" to be "fuck buddies" with Yaku, but when we are in love we tend to do stupid shit sometimes. He accepted because it's the only thing Yaku agreed to give him, and he probably thought that he will love him is they spend time together".
    Not the same thing at all ! I need to learn reading but you too.

    I'm sure Yaku knows Hino loves him. He had a lot of "fuck buddies", he knows the way Hino acts it's not the way a "fuck buddy" acts. Hino is interested in all the aspect of his life, and I agree that "fuck buddies" don't give a fuck about their patner's life.

    Yaku repeats several time that for him it's just for sex, Why ? Hino is not that stupid to not understand what it means the first time he said that. It's like he needs to put a wall to protect himself from beeing loved and falling in love. No need for that with a "fuck buddy".
    I'm sure Yaku knows, Hino wears his love on his face, so easy to read ! Why would he stick himself to Yaku, who is a lone wolf, if not for in love. Pretty sure Yaku understand that very well. (I repeat, he's always alone, why would someone stick to him if not for love).
    Oh, and I think Yaku is in love with Hino, which also explain the wall thing !

    We all know that they will be together as a couple in the end. Miracle of love.

    I never said Hino doesn't have fault at all (stalking ........not the best thing to do, everybody, even me, understand that well).

    And finally, you make very long texts to explain 2 things :
    -1 : people should understand that everyone has his point of view, we see things differently -2 : you know/understand better than anyone, everybody should agree with you only
    Isn't it a bit contradictory ? hypocrite ?

    But maybe I'm stupid and failed to understand what you mean; "which will not stop me from sleeping at night".