Some people are giving some negative comments about the seme being another trash rapist an...

siskii boo March 14, 2019 3:26 pm

Some people are giving some negative comments about the seme being another trash rapist and are you serious where do u see a rapist??? If he were reading you'd see that whatever's happening is consensual between both parties please keep you comments to yourself.....I don't care what anyone says this is a damn good manga

    Azusa March 14, 2019 4:18 pm

    Some people are giving negative comments about other people's opinions and are you serious others have opinions too??? If you were to listen to your own words we'd be really happy so please keep you comments to yourself.....I don't care what you say this is a damn trashy seme

    arielle_ March 14, 2019 5:15 pm

    Just because you don’t see it the way other people doesn’t mean their opinion is wrong. Just cause it’s your opinion doesn’t make it right. You liked the story and some people didn’t simple

    siskii boo March 15, 2019 3:41 am

    Am not saying people shouldn't voice their opinions jus pointing out a fact why most mangas get dropped by authors is because of such negative comments being said before its even completed even if the story has a shitty starting you can never tell where its headed until its done

    arielle_ March 15, 2019 4:27 am

    But you have to realize as an artist of any kind you have to keep the audience intrigued beginning to end. Not everyone dislike this anyway . Regardless there will be someone who will or will not like. She or he just has to deal with it period point blank

    Riren May 2, 2020 3:46 pm

    I don't see any rape here. Those who consider it rape do not see. There are certain people who shout "rape here and rape there" because they only know this word. Boriiiing!