This is the first time of hated a main character so much Like he literally doesn't give a...

kurosaki March 10, 2019 7:41 pm

This is the first time of hated a main character so much
Like he literally doesn't give a shit about anyone but his dad
Taehyun deserves better and I hope the dad gets his revenge

    Delvona March 10, 2019 9:14 pm

    I completely agree with you! I have been annoyed at MC's for being stupid or indecisive but I have never actually truly disliked an MC before. I honestly don't care what happens to his hateful, selfish, petty ass. I'm gonna be pissed if Daddy falls for him. In fact I'd love for Daddy to end up with the guy obsessed with the MC right now

    Mone-chan March 15, 2019 3:09 pm

    Agreed! The MC just so evil and man, what an ungrateful sonova-- i really dont like his attitude towards the boy who willingly killed himself. I mean, he is helping you, man! I just couldnt wait to see the MC falling down again, i wish for him hell lolololol