ok I’m always down for a little rivalry but ohhhhnygoddd this was so unnecessary ?? why ruin good development between two characters with a random and overused trope like this !
but the plot could’ve totally progressed without such a cliche setback like ,,, its lazy writing but owelll
Mwepetty Mwep Mwep
March 7, 2019 7:42 pm
<spoilers for Banana Fish> Why did Ash die at the end? It ruined the amazing charcters and their development and just everything and I hate Lao and main character death is basically a trope at this point. <spoiler end>
Sometimes things just hurt in manga/manhua/whatevertheyfitinsimilarboxesok
ok I’m always down for a little rivalry but ohhhhnygoddd this was so unnecessary ?? why ruin good development between two characters with a random and overused trope like this !