
Momogi March 5, 2019 3:07 am

tbh this became gradually uninteresting. I don't have any interest or curiosity to the MC as well as the male lead.

    Sekkin March 12, 2019 8:01 pm

    The story will not be only in the masion they'll eventually leave the mansion with another guy and go to the Capital(?) also the female is (I think) searching for a person and magic powers is also involved :D

    hazard_ak May 18, 2019 6:45 am

    Yeah, even with this many chapters already its pretty much slog-fest thru these chapters. It's a mystery, but the presentation of clues are confusing and the blank/white spaces between panels make it feel like nothing or too little is happening when in fact everything is fast-paced. There's no time to connect with any characters at all, so I feel uninterested in what's happen too.