You're not the only one! I felt the same. I would feel differently if Tatsumi at least treated Daiki like a lover in other ways, but instead of treasuring him, all he calls him is a possession and he constantly toys with his emotions. He ignores the uke's feelings and only goes to see him when he feels like it, the uke never knows when he's going to return and he's made to feel insecure, worried, and abandoned. If you look at the seme's behavior without dismissing it because it's a yaoi cliche, it was emotional abuse and it didn't stop at the end. He never tells Daiki that he's more than a possession, instead he actually bites him again, and the relationships is still really one-sided. All he says is "I'll come for a drink soon." The hopelessly-in-love uke says "I can do little more than wait for you." :(
I guess I'm the only one who's pretty much mad at the owner? Like idk how he's very territorial towards the bartender is creepy WHEN he just treats him like a possession. Yes he is protective over him but seeing only the bartender who takes action to realize his mistake and change is appaling. Tho he did try to underatand the bartender better when he went to the competition BUT he's still petty af. I was really pissed off when he said "I'll treat my possession as I like" to the bartender and he never really took back what he said.