Thanks for the list, and I also wanted to defend for flamboyant or androgynous uke anf som...

Rex March 3, 2019 9:15 am

Thanks for the list, and I also wanted to defend for flamboyant or androgynous uke anf sometimes seme too,

    Ares September 22, 2019 5:13 am

    Yes I agree. I notice that people heaps a lot of praise towards a manga with manly uke. Tagging it with positive, encouraging words more often than not. Even tagging it with words like yaoi as it should be, real gay man (what, effeminate gay men are not real gays?)

    Meanwhile, a manga with effiminate uke usually have negative stigma even when the uke able to overcome a lot in the story.

    Sad that femininity is associated with words like weak, lame.

    Some people climb their way up from a bad place with muscle, hammer, and work boots. Some people claw their way up from a bad place with long nails, high heels and tears in their eyes. The fact that both could overcome the hardships in life and stand back up should be appreciated and celebrated.

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