man this story is a bit too realistic actually in some ways. And seriously Paul is a garbage person who only cares about his own selfish happiness but at the same time you understand his motivations so you end up conflicted in feeling at least sympathetic yet ultimately scornful to his actions. My issue with Jonathan and Danny, and even Paul is overall they all know at the end of the day their actions do not only affect themselves, each with their own backstory that you would think would morally guide them to not be the worst versions of themselves based off learned experience. Yet they continue on in such a such a way you can't help but be fascinated if they'll be able to achieve overcoming the same outcomes of their parents or see that the apple didn't fall very far from the tree. Making history repeat itself. I wouldn't want any of them together truthfully because they're toxic to one another but sometimes even in real life people's bad decisions are all they see in front of them.

I have been around gay men my entire life. My brother raised me, along with his many friends and his lovers. You are precisely correct. This is exactly what it is like for homosexuals, especially homosexuals with conservative or religious families. They are forced to closet themselves and lie to everyone, even themselves. It is heart-wrenching. To abandon a child, regardless of age or deed, is the lowest, most horrible thing a parent can do. And it won't "cure" homosexuality either. These parents force their loving children into a life of lies and deceit. Which also forces sadness and distrust on the other people in their children's lives. The wives or husband's they marry in order to maintain a "straight" facade, the children borne from those marriages, the friends that assume they know them well and the illicit lovers that could have been legitimate if their partner wasn't forced to hide. What parent would want their child to be a serial liar? Yet, by forcing expectations and assuming their future for them, the parents of closeted children do just that. If a person has children in order to fulfill a duty or to fulfill dreams that they, themselves could not fulfill, they are denying that child's humanity, their individuality, their choices, their dreams and their future. That thought is repulsive and vulgar. If you want a pet, get a dog. If you want a toy, buy a doll. If you want children, never forget that they are human beings too, with hopes, dreams, wishes and desires just like you. This applies to hetero children too. Those who are forced into a life or career they never wanted, but they comply to repay the love their parents gave them. What happens to that child when the parents are dead and gone? Now, they live a life of miserable compliance, while all their hopes and dreams lay shattered at their feet. Children don't owe their parents anything. A truly loving parent believes this.
This is like fckn sad holy sht. But i feel like, Paul is one of the examples of a closeted gay in real life? Idkkk but it feels like this what some people go throughh