Me too. I already checked the raws (which are very far ahead) and the art still hasn't improved AT ALL. In fact, Arhad's face has become even more of a square lol (don't even get me started on his eyes--).
It's kind of surprising though, since every time an artist draws something, they should get a *little* better at it... but 50 chapters on and it seems worse (proportions, line art, colour choices)?? It seems a little like the artist (2nd, of course) gave up, and is just working for a paycheck.
It's really depressing though since this manhwa had SO much potential.

Also, if anyone's interested, I did a little digging into info about the novel. I'm not sure if it has an English translation (official or otherwise) but I'm pretty sure the reason the original artist left was because they weren't happy with the direction of the plot. From what we can see from when the 2nd artist took over, the plot gradually decreased in ... 'quality'... (?)
Either way, it's likely that the original artist was no longer interested after seeing the future of the characters, and dropped the story in search of a more inspiring one.
Again, just hear-say lol because there was never any ENGLISH explanation as to why they left (i.e not on tapas, though the comments were flooded with theories). I can't find ANY social media links to the Korean artist *at ALL* which is slightly weird. They haven't moved onto any new projects, and their alias (?) yields no results on popular korean sites. They literally dropped off the face of the planet.

thanks for the input, now i really do not want to step back into it...i was actually thinking of joining tapas and paying for it since it is not available anywhere else..yeah i think i am done with it..the art style and interesting story line is what drew me to it in the first place but since both have gone to pot there is no longer a point in wasting my time, energy and eyesight for something that seems to be going nowhere
Does anyone know why the original artist dropped this manhua? I'm missing the original art so much xc
--Side note;; did the original artist also write it (/interpret it from a novel?).. Bc I can't really tell what's going on anymore after the switch?
If we'd started out with the new art style then i wouldn't have cared... but it's honestly such a downgrade? Like I think the new artist has got a bit better at drawing ianna but oh my god- arhad!!!! What the hell happened there? I used to pay for the chapters on tapas during seasons 1 & 2 bc it was worth supporting but wow.. Not anymore.