Very touching and well written

Bibi March 2, 2019 10:15 am

This story is deep and well writen because it made me have complexs feeling/emotion regarding each characters and their actions. They have their flaws and had done things that dont agree with my "ideal" storyline. I dislikes some of their actions but also understanding their reasoning. I also feel that the characters grow trought the manga, which is something that often hard to be delivered in a manga.

    BBhomemaker March 2, 2019 12:42 pm

    I totally agree! I don't know who gave you a thumbs down but they must be a sad miserable troll living under a bridge with a wet blanket.

    laiya March 3, 2019 2:46 pm

    That mother is disgusting

    Bibi March 4, 2019 4:29 am
    That mother is disgusting laiya

    I dislike her action the most, especially since she didnt feel sorry after what she did. She believe she was doing it for her son's good and she was convinced that she was careful and smart enough so that her plan wont fail/backfire. In the end thing go the way she wanted. But it doesnt make her action right.
    I dislike her action but I also feel the love that push her to do it, which make her character more believable, a complex character who is not all bad or all good. A human. And in the end I dont hate her.