Guys, this is hentai

Mameiha February 28, 2019 6:44 am

Yes, it is yaoi hentai, but it is still hentai. Personally, I love it, but if smut makes you blush, this will make your brain explode. Consider yourself lucky though. At least the kid getting rammed wasn't a toddler. 'Coz I have seen that shit in hentai.

If smut is XXX porn, then hentai is 20X porn.

Imagine all the tropes you see in yaoi that might get someone's panties in a twist - rape, non-con, dub-con, drug use, humiliation, exhibitionism, shota-con, violence, bestiality - add in gross or ugly seme, ginormous dicks, blood, cum, lots of crying and ahegao (Orgasm face) - and the occasional sex with bugs - then take all of that and drop-kick it way over the line of decency... that is yaoi hentai. It's fucking awesome! LMAO

    kittysins April 2, 2019 10:15 pm

    Wait wait wait wtf sex with bugs?? Ive never even heard of that lol but I also like stupid stuff like this only with maybe slightly more context XD but haters gonna hate oof