
ninchi_cat February 27, 2019 10:28 am

Can anyone tell me why they swapped Jinshi? I guess I'm missing or cant understand some lines.

    Kaime March 17, 2019 4:09 pm

    So the reason Jinshi was swapped at birth was because the concubine adouu(not spelled right) wanted her son to live instead of getting killed. So knowing that her son wouldn't get the proper treatment after she gave birth to him, she decided to switch Jinshi with the Second crown prince.

    Hope thay makes sense

    ninchi_cat March 17, 2019 5:55 pm
    So the reason Jinshi was swapped at birth was because the concubine adouu(not spelled right) wanted her son to live instead of getting killed. So knowing that her son wouldn't get the proper treatment after she... Kaime

    who wants to killed Jinshi?

    Kaime March 17, 2019 8:51 pm

    Sorry, I was unclear. Due to there only being one doctor, that meant that only one baby could be assisted by the a doctor. And after birth, the bady needs like hella assisted. So to that help, the concubine switched the babies out to ensure her child's survival.

    Rain March 18, 2019 8:26 am
    who wants to killed Jinshi? ninchi_cat

    Since Jinshi was the son of the crown prince (now emperor) he was in the direct line of succession meaning a lot of people would be interested in getting rid of him. However after the swap he's the younger brother of the crown prince (now emperor). He's still in the succession line however you would have to first get rid of his "brother" before anyone would think of killing him. Furthermore, due to only having one doctor, a child of the emperor would be first in line for medical treatment and the child of the crown prince would have to wait.