I wonder...

Celes February 22, 2019 4:13 am

When Yukito is just the form Yue goes into, to save energy/stay hidden, what will happen to Yukito, once everything is over? I know, that the anime never really touched on that, but I guess Yue doesn't want to stay asleep inside Yukito the whole time, it must be just as boring as for Kero - who was stuck in the book for years.

I mean, it's comfirmed, that Toya and Yukito are a pair, that would be pretty sad, if Yukito as some point wasn't coming back, yo know what I mean?? Did they say something about that further in the Manga? If I remember correctly, Yue remembers everything happening to Yukito - so no sexy time for Toya and Yukito lmao.

    SharkVice February 10, 2021 5:51 pm

    Yeah they didn't talk much about it. I personally think that back when Clow was alive, Yue never transformed into Yukito. Clow did know of Yukito though since he has a premonition that Sakura and Yukito would end up together (which didn't end up being true due to Touya and Syaoran). I think there will always be a use for Yukito because Sakura will eventually die just like Clow and Yue will need to slumber. Yukito will exist while they wait for a new master. If Yukito doesn't exist anymore, then Yue will likely die from running out of power (Yue can't eat while Yukito can to try to sustain them both).