
Azalago February 21, 2019 10:43 pm

Why does adultery need a "trigger warning?" Am I missing sonething here?

    SugarSalad March 21, 2019 1:56 pm

    because some people cant stand it? idk about you but sometimes when i want to read a yaoi, if i see "cheating" in the tags its enough to stop me from treading the manga or dropping it entirely.

    Azalago March 21, 2019 5:39 pm
    because some people cant stand it? idk about you but sometimes when i want to read a yaoi, if i see "cheating" in the tags its enough to stop me from treading the manga or dropping it entirely. SugarSalad

    But see, rape has a trigger warning because it can cause an involuntary reaction in rape/sexual assault survivors who have PTSD and other problems related to the trauma. You not wanting to read something because you don't like it does not require a trigger warning. It's not even close to the same thing.

    Merenda October 16, 2019 12:49 pm

    Overreacted teens. Funny but true. Inexperienced people who cannot realize that yes in some cases the other person is a cheater, but in other cases the couple is equally to blame. Then there is the "incompatibility" factor and so on. Also many people that are not happy in their relationships do not separate until they have something new. Anyways this is something you learn with experience and time so I understand kitties that will start hating. Of course the warning is extreme also in my opinion. Then these people should avoid many tv series, movies, books, songs. I think learning about it even in fiction thought will help you understand it and avoid it

    CoolUkesRus October 17, 2019 7:49 am
    But see, rape has a trigger warning because it can cause an involuntary reaction in rape/sexual assault survivors who have PTSD and other problems related to the trauma. You not wanting to read something becaus... Azalago

    for some people who have been cheated on in the past, it is a traumatic experience. Just because it may not apply to you does not make it any less triggering.

    Merenda October 17, 2019 11:48 am
    for some people who have been cheated on in the past, it is a traumatic experience. Just because it may not apply to you does not make it any less triggering. CoolUkesRus

    So these people must avoid most tv series or movies (drama or romantic genre) because there is a great possibility that they present adultery. I mean even the movie where Jennifer Lopez was a wedding planner she started falling in love with a future groom (and so was he because the wedding was not something the couple really wanted out of love). I mean you must really be a young maiden in the 1200 to not be able to handle something so common

    Azalago October 17, 2019 1:34 pm
    for some people who have been cheated on in the past, it is a traumatic experience. Just because it may not apply to you does not make it any less triggering. CoolUkesRus

    Being cheated on does not cause PTSD or cause you to have PTSD "triggers." It's literally not possibly according to diagnostic criteria. It's just avoiding something you are uncomfortable with like any other person, and that doesn't mean you get a "trigger warning" for it.

    Merenda October 17, 2019 3:15 pm
    Being cheated on does not cause PTSD or cause you to have PTSD "triggers." It's literally not possibly according to diagnostic criteria. It's just avoiding something you are uncomfortable with like any other pe... Azalago

    You are right. If that was the case 80% of the human population would have PTSD.

    CoolUkesRus October 19, 2019 12:58 pm

    you guys are so narcisistic. just because something doesnt apply to YOU. doesnt make it less damaging to someone who has gone through it and got hurt. IF SOMEONE PUTS A TRIGGER WARNING, IT MEANS THEY PERSONALLY DONT WANT TO SEE IT. WHY DOES IT AFFECT YOU SO MUCH THAT SOMEONE ELSE DOESNT WANT TO SEE IT? YOUR ACTUALLY UPSET THAT IT BOTHERS SOMEONE, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT DOESNT AFFECT YOU IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER? get. over. yourselves. end of fucking discussion.

    CoolUkesRus October 19, 2019 12:58 pm


    Azalago October 19, 2019 5:19 pm
    you guys are so narcisistic. just because something doesnt apply to YOU. doesnt make it less damaging to someone who has gone through it and got hurt. IF SOMEONE PUTS A TRIGGER WARNING, IT MEANS THEY PERSONALLY... CoolUkesRus


    Merenda October 19, 2019 8:44 pm

    She will never get it. She things that if someone cheated on you and you start hating stories with cheating is the same thing as reading stories with rape, torture or violence/Gore. I guess these stupid committees that rate movies and series (R13-R16-R18) are imbeciles and have not included adultery yet, only sex, violence, language, Gore and drugs. We should send them a letter to add adultery because some kitties can not stand it. Ah by the way CoolUke read something apart from Manga. The percentage of adultery (at least in societies where M/F are closer to equality) is 25 to 50%. Is it a good thing? No, but it shows that people are either make hasty relationships, or that their criteria are mistaken in choosing a partner, or maybe that they do not know their selves good enough to ask for what they want.

    CoolUkesRus October 20, 2019 9:20 am

    If someone doesn’t want to see it it’s their own business. If someone else writes trigger warning...does that stop you reading it? No. So why do you care so SO much? It’s fucking creepy to be honest that what other people do to protect themselves offends you both so much. Abnormal almost.

    Merenda October 20, 2019 1:19 pm
    If someone doesn’t want to see it it’s their own business. If someone else writes trigger warning...does that stop you reading it? No. So why do you care so SO much? It’s fucking creepy to be honest that ... CoolUkesRus

    I lost my father 2 years ago. Trust me the trauma is much more severe that a cheating boyfriend. I really could not handle well stories with dying parents for quite some time. Nevertheless I do not believe that there should have been a trigger warning about something like that, even if it was indeed a serious trauma. Because trigger warnings are for serious conditions, not every thing we do not like or hate or happened in the past to us or a friend. Because things like losing a family member, a breakup and other things are part of life and rarely people do not come across them. Trigger warnings are for extreme cases of assault, violence or addiction (in order to protect people that may have been in contact with them)

    Merenda October 20, 2019 1:22 pm
    If someone doesn’t want to see it it’s their own business. If someone else writes trigger warning...does that stop you reading it? No. So why do you care so SO much? It’s fucking creepy to be honest that ... CoolUkesRus

    The tags are precisely what people use to help others that do not like something specific. We are talking about likes. There are tags like "incest", "family death", "cheating", "sad", "possessive seme".. etc so if you do not like any of them you avoid the manga.

    CoolUkesRus October 20, 2019 2:05 pm

    they...specifically write that so that THEY can avoid the manga. If they dont want to see something then they have the right not to see it. they are not personally stopping you from reading it. If they percieve the story a certain way, it doesnt mean that they are forcing you to see it like they do. People deal with things in different ways. You yourself might be able to handle some things, but that doesnt mean that other people think the way that you do. I wont tell you about my own personal life and all the horrible shit that has happened like suicides and deaths, but other than that I have been cheated on. and i dont like reading a story and seeing a similar situation that brings me back memories. What do you think trigger means?

    Your argument is that you dont think it should trigger people...because it doesnt trigger you. How about you just ignore it then. Obviously you are an individual person with their own emotions. were not all the same. We dont have to see things the same way.

    Also sorry abt ur dad x

    Azalago October 20, 2019 3:34 pm
    If someone doesn’t want to see it it’s their own business. If someone else writes trigger warning...does that stop you reading it? No. So why do you care so SO much? It’s fucking creepy to be honest that ... CoolUkesRus

    My background is psychiatric nursing. I deal with actually triggered people who aren't whiny little entitled brats like you. Your immaturity and entitlement creates the public perception that THIS is how "triggered" people behave. But clearly you aren't mature enough to have this conversation and are refusing to understand this.

    Merenda October 20, 2019 5:36 pm
    they...specifically write that so that THEY can avoid the manga. If they dont want to see something then they have the right not to see it. they are not personally stopping you from reading it. If they percieve... CoolUkesRus

    Thank you about your condolences and here is what we are trying to say. Trigger warnings are a serious business and misusing them may cause a problem. What I mean? Here is an example. We have service dogs. These dogs help people with severe issues like blindness etc. They are carefully selected and trained so they are very careful, focus, well behaved and intelligent. They do not respond to noises, food, peting and actually do a serious work everyday. Shops by law have to accept them, so are airlines. Of course they do not cause any trouble in these places, due to their hard training and difficulty to achieve the status and papers of service dogs. In the last years people after therapy started to have pets as "therapeutic companions" (I do not remember the exact term now). It is easy to make your pet a therapeutic companion and you can do it by internet with no special training. So people with these pets that helps them with their insecurities or fears want to have their pets all the time with them as people with service dogs do. But many of these animals are not trained to keep calm and not cause problems. I do not say that there are not a lot of cases that cats or dogs are offering crucial sentimental support to people (a cat I found a month after my father died really helped me a lot to get over it) but in many stores there were problems because many people where simply adding a ribbon to their animals as therapy animals with no training, and they caused problems to the stores. So many stores started not accepting even service dogs which the law demands that they do because they did not have the knowledge or the time and the will to separate them. Trigger warnings are very important so that is why we should not misuse them so then translators stopped adding them. For issues that cause discomfort, bring back bad memories or we simply hate them (as I hate forced prostitution without having any similar experience) tags are ok and useful

    CoolUkesRus October 20, 2019 8:38 pm
    My background is psychiatric nursing. I deal with actually triggered people who aren't whiny little entitled brats like you. Your immaturity and entitlement creates the public perception that THIS is how "trigg... Azalago

    With your complete lack of apparent understanding towards other people (and cunty attitude) I simply don’t believe you. You’re either lying or should change your job. Someone like you will only damage people. Not help them.

    CoolUkesRus October 20, 2019 8:41 pm
    Thank you about your condolences and here is what we are trying to say. Trigger warnings are a serious business and misusing them may cause a problem. What I mean? Here is an example. We have service dogs. Thes... Merenda

    My aunt tried to kill her self after reuniting with a man who had cheated and abused her in the past. I think we should agree to disagree and leave it there. I’m sorry that disagree with you but I totally understand that you have the right to think differently. All the best xxx

    Alexander the Great March 31, 2020 10:54 am

    I know that this comment has been since last year...but... You see I think that the warning given doesn't NECESSARILY apply to ptsd and whatnot. It is just there SIMPLY to to let people know that it does contain adultry. Some peope are sensitive about the topic. If they see the warning, it will prevent them from reading it. It would also prevent people commenting and talking shit about the story and telling how thay hate it because of tha act of adultery. It might not be triggering to you but it does to someone else.