Sometimes I see a random manga in this site, that has just one chapter translated. And I s...

PandaRosie February 21, 2019 5:51 am

Sometimes I see a random manga in this site, that has just one chapter translated. And I say, "it won't hurt to check it out" even though it hadn't been updated for so long.
And then comes the worst, it simply does nOT GET UPDATED.
I think there for to be a warning before hand, like: "Only the first chapter! Be aware! You've been warned! Rawr!"
I really hate myself for doing so. Maybe I'm a masochist, because I have a long list of them...
Sorry for ranting, lol.

    M.T February 21, 2019 8:15 am

    We can all relate here tbh. Like, I do the same thing except I go back to the manga like every month or so...Only to see it still at chapter 1. There's one manga (that I've read) that hasn't update since 2017 ( I still check on it...) (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜