BREAK MY HEART AGAIN! I've had a crush on this guy (let's call him Mr. N) for 5 years now...

notloverboy February 21, 2019 5:33 am


I've had a crush on this guy (let's call him Mr. N) for 5 years now and it never went away. We've only had 1 proper conversation within that 5 years AND i basically ended the convo by ignoring his last few words and saying bye (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Welp, I think the reason we never had conversations in the first place is bc I would always avoid his gaze and ignore him whenever we were near each other.

When I first met Mr. N, I acknowledged his talent at playing the piano! He's REALLYYY gooood (I think that's how my crush started). Whenever I would see him with his friends, he's always laughing! He laughs like an idiot but it's the kind of laugh that makes you laugh too. He's so awkward and we have NOTHING in common. One time, he overheard me talking to my friends about a tv show and he just butted in and said that he used to watched the tv show but not anymore bc it started to suck.

If I were to list down the things I like about Mr. N.. the list would probs include: piano skills, face, height, smile, laugh.. but beyond those, I know nothing about him!! (I've met his parents and brother tho btw but like we're not that close)

Within the past 2 years, I've noticed how much Mr. N has gotten closer to this girl (Ms. A).. Ms. A and I went to the same high school and now we kinda go to the same uni in the same program. Ms. A is super pretty and confident and nice. Ms. A had the confidence to carry out convos with Mr. N and whenever they talked... I can feel that they both liked each other? It's kinda like a thing right? Like an outsider can tell when two ppl like each other. I'm the outsider, and I know that both Ms. A and Mr. N like each other. However, they are not dating yet.

There's no way I'm confessing LOL.. I don't even love him! I just had a crush for 5 years!! I thought crushes were super easy to forget (and it's not like I only had a crush on him within those 5 years)... But tonight, my heart especially hurts. I wish I'd gotten to know him! I wish I didn't avoid convos with him! I wish I was confident enough to look into his gaze! I wish I was the one by his side! I wish... he smiled at me!

but my wishes never come true
and Mr. N will be with Ms. A
I'll forget
it's okay
i dont love him

    Hxndsome February 21, 2019 5:39 am

    Hey hey -
    we both know its our heart leading that path
    even i got a crush ;-;
    younger than me tho
    i talked to him a few times
    but then again its not like we talk alottt
    it was coincidence that we talked
    nothing more
    and i can feel his gaze when we pass the hallways
    i always avoid him ;-;

    but i still have a crush on him
    i told myself that there are many more handsome guys out there and why him -
    but heart doesnt work that way does it ?

    insecurites exist within people
    its okay

    but you shud know there will always be someone who is destinied to you and someone out there loves you for who u are.

    similarities doesnt matter
    differences makes people shine together ^^

    - Moon

    Anonymous February 21, 2019 6:00 am
    Hey hey -we both know its our heart leading that path even i got a crush ;-;younger than me thoi talked to him a few timesbut then again its not like we talk alotttit was coincidence that we talked nothing more... Hxndsome

    who is in your profile pic? sorry she is gorgeous

    Vivi February 21, 2019 6:12 am

    Crushes are those that crush your heart. Feel better!

    sarah sun February 21, 2019 6:41 am

    Now you know why they are called crushes.

    For the years that I've lived, I've fallen for many guys. And NONE of them ended up with me. And it hurts. Cause I'll never be enough. There's always gonna be someone better, smarter, prettier...
    I'm just never good enough.

    So, I know how you feel. Maybe not fully, but I do understand.

    Don't worry tho, my grandma always says that 'god, will send you someone girl. Don't worry...' And I do believe her. I hope you'll find someone too. :)

    Anonymous February 21, 2019 7:07 am

    Yo! Ain't nobody got time fo' dis.

    Hxndsome February 24, 2019 4:53 am
    who is in your profile pic? sorry she is gorgeous @Anonymous

    no probs!
    i think she is a k-pop idol ^^;