Oh damn, what a mess! And tbh? I believe whoever shared the links did it maliciously. I've...

Mozzarella February 19, 2019 12:10 am

Oh damn, what a mess! And tbh? I believe whoever shared the links did it maliciously. I've followed a few scanlation groups in tumblr and I saw how much hate they got from people who thought what they do is wrong.

It's some entitled privileged people who think everyone should buy the manga, but they don't realize that most people CAN'T buy the manga (I, for one, live in a country where we don't have a translated version and getting an english copy would easily cost me over $100, not to mention lack of means to buy online releases bc international credit cards are only issued here if you have a minimum income requirement I don't meet).

I doubt these people even buy the manga themselves, they are just malicious and don't want to see other people have fun.

    미치겠다 진짜 February 19, 2019 12:22 am

    There's VPN and free coins (both of which are free). Who are you talking about in your post, the person who told the author or the people who kept posting the links to the unofficial chapters? It's not that the person who reported was being malicious or privileged, I don't see how reporting an illegal act is malicious. People, including me, warned those who kept sharing the unofficial chapter links here, but they didn't listen, so my guess is that THEY were the ones being malicious. The entitled ones aren't the ones who reported to the author, it's YOU and everyone in the comments who are upset that everything isn't being updated on time. Have some gratitude and respect.

    Mozzarella February 19, 2019 12:59 am
    There's VPN and free coins (both of which are free). Who are you talking about in your post, the person who told the author or the people who kept posting the links to the unofficial chapters? It's not that the... 미치겠다 진짜

    Yet here you are proving my point with your discourse.

    I did have a Lehzin account, coins are not free, and there haven't been a way to get them free for a long while.

    I am not complaining about things not being uploaded on time, I am not demanding anything, go back to school and learn to interpret what other people are saying. I am complaining about the people sharing links to unofficial chapters, they create this kind of chaos. It's happened before, I don't get why they think it wouldn't happen again. It's malicious of them to share because they do so knowing what is going to happen. As I said, I've seen it happen in tumblr, people would share things the Hidoku Shinaide and Remnant scan group asked not to share just to get it reported.

    But since we are on this subject: it's very hypocritical to complain something is illegal, and yet have an account on mangago. And I shut up about it being illegal, but it is malicious to report something just for the sake of blocking access for other people who, otherwise, wouldn't have access to that just because you paid for it and they didn't.

    "Well, but I paid for it and they didn't, so it's fair" - In this case, accept it's a damn privilege only accessible for those who can pay for it. And go on and tell me how privilege is fair.

    I, for once, wouldn't be able to pay for it because of the reasons listed above, and for that I am very grateful to scanlators and to people who upload chapters of a media that I, otherwise, wouldn't have access to.

    YOU have some respect, instead of attacking other people for a comment you didn't even understand and walking whatever shoe doesn't even fit you.

    미치겠다 진짜 February 19, 2019 1:17 am
    Yet here you are proving my point with your discourse. I did have a Lehzin account, coins are not free, and there haven't been a way to get them free for a long while.I am not complaining about things not being... Mozzarella

    I was in no way complaining about the legality, I was complaining about the people who are entitled and think they're justified in reading illegally, I don't care if you read illegally, I DO care that people think it's somehow ok. I have a Lezhin account, a lot the coins I use are the free coins from the free coin zone on the app, check it before you say something. So we both agree that the people who were sharing the links are malicious. I have an account here so I can respond to comments, not everyone makes their comments available for anonymous replies, I literally come here to mark what I've read and to discuss. Privilege is a given advantage or birthright, like inheritance or being white, it's NOT being able to afford stuff like this, these are non-necessities. It's something that people pay for, that's it. Are you arguing that it SHOULD be free? In any case, how about you go first and tell me how privilege is always unfair? You lack respect and gratitude because instead of just shutting up and appreciating that someone first of all draws and uploads this shit and then another person pays money and then uploads the chapters for YOU to read for FREE, you're arguing that somehow you're in the right for reading illegally. Don't act as if you have a right to do anything just because you want to, that's not this works.