Previous translations on my profile under likes/activity/topics.
I noticed they took down unofficial chapters off this site.
I keep the translations up to date but as text only to respect the author. I suggest to buy the raws and read along with my translations that way the author gets her well deserved money and you guys get to know what happens up to date. Will not translate over manhwa. Text only for those who keep asking me.

No probs. :)
It's something like that but he says something along the lines of "should we go to your house then? *wink wink*" implying that he won't let him go home alone either way. Korean is all about the innuendos XD lol Hard to translate some things like that into English for me at least. Lost in translation
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Spanish and Catalan are my first languages anyway heh. ( ̄∇ ̄")
the official translation will figure out something....sometimes XD lmao
BJ Alex Ch 64 translation:
looks like whoever posted the latest chapters with unofficial translations took down mangago for a bit. They took off the chapters so i won't be going into haitus yet. XD
It's why I keep it in text and not paste it on the actual manhwa. They'll be on to me (⊙…⊙ ) haha
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of skyline of DG's apartment*
*zoomed out panel of DG opening the car door outside his apartment*
*DG putting on his seatbelt*
*panel reveals Jiwon is the driver* (T/N: like we already didn't know how his car looked like -_- lmao)
Jiwon: "Let's go."
DG: Yeah!
*Vrooooooomm. panel of exhaust of car*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
*DG and Jiwon in the car as they're driving*
DG: "Jiwon sunbae, where are we going today?"
Jiwon: "Don't say anything and just follow me"
"Today I'll be the one who will make plans and entertain you."
DG: "?!"
*panel outside of a luxurious shopping building complex*
*panel of store full of clothes* (T/N: looks like an actual picture which she webtoonified. looks cool)
Store attendant: *bright smile* "Welcome! How may I assist you?"
Jiwon:*places his hands on DG's shoulders* "i'll give you this guy to make look good from head to toe" subtext: "give him the best of this season"
DG: *surprised* "WHAT?!"
Store attendant: "Yes! If you can come over this way please~"
DG: "S-sunbae, wait a minute...!"
*change scene*
*fancy shoes pass through changing area*
*it's DG in very formal wear. Vest with tie and buttoned down shirt and a nice outerwear jacket. Very sprezzatura style*
Store attendant: "Wow valued customer~! (T/N: idk a good english word for the word they use to refer to a customer) It looks really good on you"
*DG in the next outfit. Very funky matching jacket and pants, Cabana style. Black shirt.*
Store attendant: "You look very good with these clothes~"
*Next outfit: Cuter look. High sweater turtleneck with plain khaki light shirt jacket, trenchcoat and beret*
Store attendant: "You look good with any style"
DG: "...." *Nervous smile throughout*
*panel of store attendant and Jiwon looking at DG's direction*
Store attendant: "How does it look? Do you like it?"
Jiwon: "Hmm..."
*Panel of DG in a dandy look. Wool sweater with knee length trench jacket, black pants and loafers.*
*panel of Jiwon grabbing a scarf from a mannequin as he heads to DG*
*places scarf on DG*
DG: ".....!" *blushes*
Jiwon: "I'll take everything he's wearing now."
DG: *flinch* "AH?"
Store attendant: "Yes sir"
DG: "S-SUNBAE!! I don't need so many clothes!" *Panicky*
Jiwon: "I want to buy it for you. So use it well."
"You don't like these clothes? Should we buy something else?"
DG: *panicky and sweating* "Ah, no! This is good! I like it a lot!"
*next panel DG looking down. red*
DG: "Thank you sunbae. I'll use it very well..."
Jiwon: "Then let's go to another store."
DG: *surprised* "Another store?!"
*next panel showing all the shopping bags completely filled*
*Panel showing DG and Jiwon walking around with the bags*
*DG got a beanie on now (T/N: which looks fly af. lol)*
Jiwon: "Again, do you want anything else?"
DG: "No, this is more that enough..."
Jiwon: "I made a reservation close by here. Let's go"
DG thinking: *brightens* 'Food!' (T/N: hell yeah. my guy knows what's up. hungry myself.)
DG: "okay!"
*next panel of a chandelier*
*panel of a hand placing down a plate of what looks like mixed tartare of some sort with caviar*
*brilliance of the plate*
Server: "Langoustine with salmon with caviar in scallops for appettizer" (T/N: knew it. seafood tartare. Langoustine pretty good. scallops too, but I eat the poor man's version XD)
*panel of montage of plates being brought in*
Server: "Creamy mushroom soup with mornay sauce" (T/N: French roux(of fats, like oils, butter, bacon fat and flour) with milk and cheese. Pretty good. Again poor man's version lol)
Server: "Langoustine salad with tomatoes and lima beans" (T/N: langoustines are northern europe prawns btw. miniature lobster)
Server: "And a chef recommendation, a filet mignon of upmost quality"
*DG has his cheeks stuffed and looking nervous.* (T/N: poor man thrown into high society LOL)
*panel of DG with mouth stuffed of food and looking like he tasted the heavens.*
DG: "....."
*panel of Jiwon eating the food in an accustomed manner. notices DG*
Jiwon: "What? Is it not good?"
DG: *fidgety* "Ah, no it's not that. It's delicious..."
to server: "Ah! Thank you!"
to jiwon: "I never have been in a place like this before. It looks like it costs a lot..."
Jiwon: "Don't worry. Today is a celebration of your birthday so if you want to eat more just ask for it."
Jiwon thinking: " He shouldn't be like this on his birthday?" (T/N: as he should be enjoying himself more. Jiwon doesn't realize they come from different worlds lol. He's pretty unaware of himself sometimes lmao)
DG: "No, No! I'm good. I ate very well, I'm now satisfied"
*DG looking down uncertainly/doubtful.*
*panel of jiwon looking concerned*
Jiwon thinking: 'Nam donggyun, it seems like you didn't like this that much...'
*panel of street*
*them walking. DG notices something*
*panel of a street sitting stand.*
DG: "Dalgona!" (T/N: Sweet ass korean street candy. Sponge candy. Like toffee. Made of sugar, any sweet ass syrup, and baking soda. I'm not so fond of sweets XD prefer tteokboki or tteokkochi LOL)
Jiwon: "Dalgona?"
DG: "yeah, I used to eat a lot of it when I was a kid. It's been awhile since I saw a dalgona stand"
Jiwon: "Oh. I never knew about it"
DG: "Seriously? Well then, do you want to give it a try?"
*they walk over*
Ajumma stand lady: "welcome!"
*panel of how to play the game chibi style*
DG: "It's a sweet made of melted sugar, if you press on it a little and don't break it, you can get the figure out successfully" (T/N: so basically how it's made the sweet has a perforation in shape of a figure, could be a star, heart, whatever. They give you a toothpick and you have to crack the edges off without cracking the figure inside. If you do you get a prize. Usually a bigger fancier dalgona. lol)
"Want to try?"
Jiwon: "Ah...no, I'll just watch"
*regular form. DG glances over at something. Jiwon's eyes follow*
DG: "Premiums..."
*panel of premium dalgonas in shape of a giant fish gun, machete, etc*
*zoomed panel at the fish shaped dalgona* *underneath it it says 10 successful attempts needed*
DG: "Wow! The grand fish candy! When I was little I really wanted to win one like that"
*jiwon surprise flinch*
Jiwon: "...You would like that?"
DG: *Shines bright. Smile so bright it blinds you* "Yeah, I would like that"
Jiwon: *looking at DG like he spellbound lol* "....."
Jiwon to ajumma: "How much is each try?"
Ajumma: "50 cents" (T/N: Think you got what it takes?"
DG: "Sunbae?"
Jiwon: "I'm going to win it."
DG: "Seriously?"
*panel of jiwon breaking the heart figure*
Jiwon: *Frozen* "....."
DG: "It's more difficult than you think it is"
Jiwon to ajumma: "One more please"
Ajumma: "Okay!~"
*white panels showing that time went by*
*another cracked figure*
*panel of piled up money* (T/N: my guy wut?. Why are you so bad at games? my guy deadass put more than 30 bucks for a 50 cent game.)
*Jiwon boiling and shaking in frustration*
DG: "S-sunbae..." *eep*
Jiwon: *Boiling. signiture anime vein twitch* "One more..."
DG thinking: "Isn't this...a dejavu?"
Ajumma: *sigh* "my goodness, handsome young man, that's enough."
"Now that you spent so much money, i'll just give you one"
*ajumma hands out the fish dalgona*
DG and Jiwon: "....!"
DG: *Stands up abruptly* "Thank you so much!"
Jiwon: "Ah..." *Solemn shadow* (T/N: pft bahahahahaha)
Jiwon: "Do you like it"
*DG looking at it amazed*
*DG shining even brighter. Smile blinding passerby cars*
DG: "Yeah! I appreciate it a lot sunbae!"
Jiwon: *smiling looking at DG*
*breathes out*
*panel background of city skyline and sunset*
Jiwon: "it's getting late, let's go"
DG: "Home?"
Jiwon: "home...should we go to your house today?"
DG: "Ah..." *blush marks in text bubble*
lmao Jiwon can't play games for shit. XD
If you're wondering about my slang jargon in english, I grew up in Spain and NYC (Brooklyn) back and forth. I deadass talk like that too LOL
anyways sorry it's late. work's been busy. work overnights.