Looks like people forgot how to read. The story doesn't mourn Yanek here nor it justifies ...

lerahstanley February 16, 2019 8:38 pm

Looks like people forgot how to read. The story doesn't mourn Yanek here nor it justifies the mutual attraction between Ein and Diesel - regardless, we've seen what attraction can do in plenty of movies before, so here we are, reading one more story about possible soulmates theory (even if far-fetched) and the wonderful dynamics around our MCs. Guess people are filtering Diesel's actions via their personal expectations...but would you, X/Y/Z Reader-nim, accept to be sweetly Stockholm syndrome-d by someone like Yanek or go by gut feeling and follow a cop? A hot one, at that.

So, who wants to read again from where Diesel's POV started?

    strangenight February 17, 2019 5:13 am

    Sure swee SS. Myabe first you should cheek what that means? Diesel.isn't Yanek prisoner.
    It's disapointed that people use word that yhey don't know only.to show character in bad light.

    lerahstanley February 17, 2019 10:05 pm
    Sure swee SS. Myabe first you should cheek what that means? Diesel.isn't Yanek prisoner.It's disapointed that people use word that yhey don't know only.to show character in bad light. strangenight

    How about you sit down. First of all, I know what SS is, my own mother went through it, thank you.
    Secondly, just because Yanek treats Diesel in bed and then "kindly reminds" him that he should know no other way out that life, doesn't mean Yanek is a goodie shoes all of a sudden - and then at the first thing happening losing his trust in the very "creature" as he called it.
    Off your horse.

    strangenight February 17, 2019 10:28 pm

    Stop being agressive.
    We can't talking here about SS, cause Diesel isn't Yanek victim only this priest. Yanek saved him and gives him much better life. Some people here like you just said that everything what Yanek did for Diesel is bad, but it's not objective.
    Second reason why Diesel doesn't have SS is that he doesn't feel strong emotionally conection with Yanek, he seems not cares about him at all, since he betrayed, laying and cheating him.
    If you want use termin like Stockholme Syndrome first think that it's accurate, not just assume this, cause it's Yanek, walking evil.

    Stop being agressive towards people on forum, that's childish.

    lerahstanley February 18, 2019 11:10 am
    Stop being agressive.We can't talking here about SS, cause Diesel isn't Yanek victim only this priest. Yanek saved him and gives him much better life. Some people here like you just said that everything what Ya... strangenight

    I'm not as aggressive as you being arrogant and openly disliking Diesel. Yanek was built not a negative character but rather an intermission for the other two, using his mob flair to keep Diesel by his side. He even might have been open to the idea that Diesel would have stayed by his side but to what price if not using Diesel by both his bed warmer and his bodyguard. So, before you feel attacked, read again your own message. You clearly judge Diesel and cry for Yanek the saint.

    lerahstanley February 18, 2019 1:34 pm

    More so, check the latest raw, Yanek shows his true face. You're welcome.