No spoiler: Diesel's background

Yojam February 16, 2019 8:02 am

So I was reflecting on which breed could Diesel belong to, and after searching for a bit I came to the conclusion that he might be a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog.

This breed has an interesting background. It seem they were created crossing a Carpathian wolf with a German Shepherd as a scientific experiment at the military kennels in Czechoslovakia in 1955. They were first used in military operations and later in tracking, herding, hunting and drafting in Europe and the United States.

Both Diesel and this breed has lean physique , amber eyes and long feet.
Their tail is also similar: at the beginning the tail has the same colour of the coat, in the middle there is a dark line and then the tip is always dark. However I admint that their fur is not quite similar since Disel coat is a light orange while this dog's fur can vary from yellow-grey to silver grey. But dog with reddish colour with wolf grey on the top line of the back, head and tail exists.

If Diesel were a czechslovakian wolfdog it would explain his superior fighting ability, sense of smell and his stamina (all of the thing Bexan dosn't have).

Before discarding my idea go to this page:

And then go to

Do you see the similarity?does it not seem author has choosen that photo while drawing Diesel?

    morning_dew February 16, 2019 9:22 am

    Oooh interesting!

    Yojam February 16, 2019 9:55 am
    Oooh interesting! morning_dew

    It seems the purpose was to create a bloodthirsty, ferocious breed useful for guarding the Czechoslovakian borders during the Cold War.

    Maybe also Diesel has a similar background, where his family was used like military weapon and then his father escaped in order to give his son a better life....

    Nyalen February 16, 2019 12:17 pm
    Yeah! It seems the purpose was to create a bloodthirsty, ferocious breed useful for guarding the Czechoslovakian borders during the Cold War.Maybe also Diesel has a similar background, where his family was used... Yojam

    I like that!

    Ackersmith baby February 16, 2019 3:24 pm

    What about Bexan's background? What do you think he is and all that?

    Yojam February 17, 2019 12:04 am
    What about Bexan's background? What do you think he is and all that? Ackersmith baby

    At the beginning, Bexan himself said that he is a descendant of the siberian werewolf and is often mistaked as a siberian husky.