While I wouldn’t use the r* word I completely agree. I’m tired of reading a manga and then bam rape and of course this site NEVER properly labels its content honestly there’s way more manga with rape than there isn’t this I’ve resigned myself to as fact. But I appreciate when I don’t have to even have start a manga but can make a conscious decision on whether or not coupled with the plot summary if that manga is something I personally want to read now with a full knowledge of what I’m getting myself into
You mean cmments like this where you get "don't like don't read" bs when you warn others? ( ̄___ ̄)
It would be great if you didn't try to shut down people warning others about disturbing shit that's being normalized. Until you do you can expect people calling you out on your behaviour. You may like looking at literal rape, but I sure as hell don't. And I especially don't like it when our, normal, reaction to such things is being treated like weird.
You are arrogant. rape has always been a heavily topic in our lives and in our culture. People even kill themselves over it. Don't be an asshole about it. Don't try to dismiss the outcome of the crime by normalizing it. Fiction or reality, crime is still a crime regardless of gender, age and the intention of It being done in. It deserves consequences and criticism. people have the freedom to read what they want. If they don't like something, they can share their opinion and discuss it. You don't have to be rude about it by shutting them. An opinion should be respected.
Thank you. As you said, rape is a crime. It is not funny, not cute, and absolutely it is not loving. Rape is one of the most disgusting crimes. I never understood why in manga, or fanfiction after a rape scene the characters love each other. Because of rape many people die, make a suicide, or try to kill. This crime makes a lot of psychical problems. A person after a rape can't live normally.
And what if this is sexual harassment? Does it change something? Not.
Sexual harassment - Sexual harassment - intimidation, harassment or coercion of a sexual nature, also an unwanted or improper promise of reward in exchange for sexual services, other verbal or physical (hugs, touches, rape assault) of sexual harassment.
From the first chapter, we can understand that the main character does not want this. At the same time, the abuser does not use intimidation, mockery or coercion of a sexual nature.
The rapist does not manipulate the victim. That is, it is still rape.
well let's all calm down
and it would be great if y'all stop insulting me...
people have different opinions and if they think that rape isn't a big deal then let them think so.
i mean, we are nobody to make someone think something is good or bad... we should just respect someone's opinion even if it's not "the right one"
also, if you really want to say what you think, do it respecfully. because people who insult everyone and anyone that doesn't think the same as them are just annoying...
oh and i'm not saying rape is good neither i'm saying it's bad, i'm just trying to calm triggered people here. if someone likes reading this kind of manga then i don't see what your way of thinking has anything to do with this, let them have their fun
People need to re-educate themselves. Normalizing crimes like these like its the norm. Saying it's not sexual harassment, assault etc. Let me teach you. Have you heard of consent? If someone doesn't give their consent AKA permission then its a crime. It doesnt matter if they are sexual aroused even when they don't consent. They are aroused biologically but that doesnt mean they consent. They have a right to not let their body be touched. No one can touch their body without their consent. Our bodies are ours only. Have you heard of mental health? Being mentally ill? Victims suffer psychologically and mentally. They developed mental illness. PTSD, depression, aniexty, paranoia etc. Its a long lasting illness. Long lasting therapy and medicines to cope with the illness. Its a long lasting battle. Other lost their lives to it. I can say this because I am myself a sexual assault victim and am mentally ill. I don't care if it's fiction to others and people saying how fiction should be separate from reality but don't deny stuff like THESE happens. Everywhere in this world and every second, a minute someone is being sex traffic, coercing into sex selling themselves, being sexually assaulted etc and dying because of it. That's all. Peace.
No, raping people Is a big deal. Just because you are psychopath that enjoys watching other's suffering, doesn't mean it's OK. You can enjoy it if you want without reprecaution but that's it.
You are a proof what effect these things have. You yourself are advocating that noone should judge literal criminals. It's not OK and it's SICK to normalize it like there's a fine line between rape and normal sex, when the line is as thick as it gets.
english isn't my first language sorry, not sorry (?)
think whatever you want but you can't expect people to always share the same opinion as you.
and come on, if people enjoy it that doesn't make them rapists or perverts. it doesn't mean that they're accepting rape or normalizing it, it doesn't mean they're going to rape someone or anything.
if an author wants to make a rape/love story then let them do it, what's your deal exacty ? does it concern you personally ? even if it does, is it our problem ? do you need to share you life or opinion here with us ? do you think we care ?
at the end of the day, don't forget that it's still fiction. IT'S FICTION.
and i will keep on saying it, if you don't like something then don't read it ! find a way to know if it's a rape/love story by reading the comments or tags or whatever... don't bother us because YOU didn't take the time to know what you're going to read
sorry if i offended you but we need to make things clear. have a great day (●'◡'●)ノ
Wow, amazing. Another Rape-Love story. I mean, why do people love those rape-love stories?? This is so lame and...ew. Nothing original, I'm outta here.