taking into consideration what a twit he was the earlier chapter, you better believe that people will hate even the sight of him.
Naru might adore masato, but his words were cruel. the worst. you tell a self hating, guilty person he deserved it, you just break his self worth and confidence. whatever your intentions.(tough love or bull shit_
Wow, read comments before telling others to read. Cause you completely missed the point. I don't hate Naru because I think he deliberately hurt Masato, after all (if I did I would NOT hate Masato for what he did to Kousei) but because he is a hypocrite who, while having no skin in the game, still thinks the end justifies the means while smirking his ass off
And if they do reconcile you know what? I'll hate Naru even MORE. Because this tough love thing is bs. But it always gets such revolting praise in almost every story I read. With a friend like Naru who needs enemies. I hope he falls off a cliff and dies. Ktbn.
Oh, and it seems you're the one who needs to read the story, too. BEFORE Naru implemented his little plan Masato was NOT running away. He was actually facing Asahi head on. So, the reason he was running away was because of? NARU. You really ARE pulling out all the stops to defend an abused aren't you? Of course I forgot only the victim can ever be blamed.
i don't know how to say this nicely but you guys are all so dense for hating on naru. it's like you barely read this manga and can't understand the subplot/read between the lines/understand the characters themselves.
naru CLEARLY came back early because he knew the only way the two main characters can stay together is if they all talk it out with the younger brother. but when the fuck would all 3 of them ever agree to have a conversation when 1) masato keeps running away, 2) the younger brother dislikes masato and wouldn't agree to come to peace with him and 3) asahi is too torn between the two that he can't pick sides?
so naru being the best fucking friend he is sets the stage by telling asahi to go back home early to find masato and then he brings the younger brother back home so he can see with his own two eyes how in love his older brother and masato are with each other.
like damn y'all. it's not that hard to see. just watch the next chapter end with all 3 characters reconciliating, the main couple fall madly in love, and masato coming to peace with his shitty actions/past. and Naru standing there like the mastermind badass bitch he is.