I don't think Masato is to blame for Kousei's condition. Something like that has many factors that caused it not just one.
And yes i think they do complete each other, but in my eyes Masato is putting more effort in the relationship while Asahi is still weak and holds back because of Kousei. I don't into stuff where only one person works his ass off. Now it's up to Asahi to get strong a take the lead. He should make things clear with his brother and he should be the one teaching them.
He said that he regretted that he couldn't make his ex wife happy. I hope he won't do the same mistake twice.
He knows Masato now. He should now the truth now. He should act and talk with Kousei, Naru and then Masato.

If we forget the 3rd wall and focus ourselves in Asahi, you can understand why he holds back. One side is Kousei,his family and Asahi knows that Kousei did it out of mere concern and his past(which Kousei needs to get over by now) and then there is Masato, who gradually started holding his heart. Ofcourse, he will feel constricted and won't be able to give his 100% knowing he is not true to Masato. I think Asahi is almost there, he right now needs one final push.
But I clearly see and understand your point. Good one.
Asahi is a character you don't see everyday specially in a yaoi manga. The fact that he actually tried to understand why and what kind of a person Masato is before blaming him for his brother's condition.He has gone though a lot in his life- family problems, work, seeing his brother's weak condition, his divorce and now for the one he is yearning for is going away because he feels guilty. He understands every one at this point of time and while trying to keep his previous people wishes above him, he is going back to those helpless time when he was all alone while facing those problems.
I think if Masato takes a step ahead towards Asahi, Asahi won't ever let him go. Masato gives Asahi the warm feeling of a relationship while Asahi gives Masato the stability to be in a relationship, they complete each other.
Sorry for the long post.