Why are you reading the story if you don't like the plot or think the seme is too much????...

Bri February 13, 2019 6:11 am

Why are you reading the story if you don't like the plot or think the seme is too much?????? I came to the comments to chat with people who were enjoying the story, but its all negative reactions/comments ( ̄へ ̄)

    SothPawChick February 13, 2019 11:51 am

    Bri, everyone loves the story and even me but Sunbea is possessive over Hosik. He don't even like his friend before and after the baby was born. Sunbea needs to be talked too now as you see he will do anything for Hosik but it is too much for him to take sometimes. I think Sunbae has Separation Anxiety and just needs to deal with it ...