I agree with you fully. The reason why I couldn’t get into stories like blood bank, baker on first floor etc. were because I felt as if the authors filled the plot with so many flashbacks in order to explain the characters that the endings felt rushed and empty. One or two small flashbacks are okay but any more than that can get messy.

Honestly, I fucking love Blood Bank, especially the final quarter, but I understand that, the flashbacks were usually the worst parts of those series too, but I was more thinking the endless flashbacks of What Lies at the End and Peach Love. Flashbacks aren't bad in small doses, but when they take up almost half the story, they're just a big prequel the eventual outcome of which we already know after reading the setting in the present day. Overall it's a tactic best used for quick, big plot twist reveals and not much else.
I really wish the author will give us some more flashbacks. I want to know more about how they started to have feelings for each other.
But damn they're so toxic to each other, they keep on punishing the other and making them miserable even though they can't help but care.
I feel like me they're stuck in a loop. But the appearance of taekyung is definitely going to change that and I'm really interested in what's going to follow.