I’m so happy I’m not the only one! Everyone was commenting on how cute this story is and all, and there certainly are adorable moments, but Sunbae’s behavior is the only thing that’s stopping me from really liking this. I was hoping it’d get better, hence why I’m still reading this, but that hope is getting quite small now...

I’ve never gotten over it! The seme is such a manipulative butt face! When ever he wants something he’ll just guilt Hosik into going along with it. It makes me miss the friend who always called the seme out on his bullshit. Ugh, never trust a bitch who’s shoulders are x5 the width of his hips. (like how does his body even function !!?? stupid thot powers )
I thought their relationship was progressing and was almost to the point of willing to forgive the Seme for some of his past behavior, but hell no. Way to controlling and scaring your partner like that is a form of intimidation and abuse.