
keep doing these please! yours are way more accurate and the ones just uploaded will probably be taken down soon. thank you for your translations!

i was waiting for your translation T^T i thought you were never gonna post the translation for chap 63. thank you~~
Welp i see someone posted the chapters in english so i did all this for naught LOL.
gonna post it anyway to have it lmao.
BJ Alex Ch 63 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
ch 63
*panel of the highline of the area of the aparment complex*
--A few weeks later--
*panel of their hands holding each other's*
--After sunbae confessed to me, we became lovers--
*panel of them talking on the couch. DG in the pj top and jiwon in the pj bottom*
--that day, sunbae and I talked about our misunderstandings we had--
*solemn look from DG to jiwon as they're talking*
--we should have talked in the beginning. Why didn't we?--
*jiwon staring down deep in thought as he's talking*
--I think it was because sunbae and I were both scared..., scared of get ourselves hurt--
*panel of their mugs on the coffee table*
--and even though I'm still afraid and not sure how this will work out--
--I think I can work hard to make sure that everything will be okay--
*two side by side panels of DG looking up from the pillow he's holding blushing at jiwon and jiwon noticing DG looking at him*
--because when I look at sunbae...--
Jiwon: "!"
*panel of jiwon with his arms crossed and flustered/blushing and DG happy with flowers poofing out as they're on the couch*
--I feel so great that all my fears and worries disappear.--
--This is love.--
*panel of DG recalling when jiwon confessed at the cafe*
--Wah, this still feels like a dream--
--that day when sunbae confessed, sunbae was so sweet...--
*back to the couch*
--and when I asked if he could say it again--
*panel of DG teasing jiwon asking him, jiwon so embarrassed, steaming out of his head from being all red*
--sunbae became all red and turned his face stubbornly...--
*panel of DG tugging on jiwon's loungerobe*
--that's why I in turn said it again--
*panel of DG looking up at jiwon. blushing*
DG: "Sunbae, I love you...!"
DG: "I love you, I love you"
"I really do love you"
"I love you most in this world"
Jiwon: *outright so embarrassed blushing like crazy* "....."
*jiwon pulls DG closer*
*jiwon blushing brings DG in for a kiss*
DG: ".....!"
*panel of fade out*
DG: "Ah, sunbae!" "W-wait...!" "ngh"
--And that's how it went...--
--Sunbae since that day...--
--Was really.... excessive...-- (T/N: excessive in you know what ;D)
*Scene change*
DG: "Ah...ahh"
*zoomed panel of jiwon's finger in DG's mouth and his tongue licking DG's ear*
*zoomed panel of jiwon's dick inside DG*
*zoomed out panel of Jiwon thrusting harder from the side (spoon position) while kissing DG's nape*
DG: "AH!" "AGH!" "UGH!"
*zoomed panel of DG's face all red and in esctasy*
DG: "AH! S-sunbae...!"
*panel of DG turning his head around to kiss Jiwon*
Jiwon: "...What?"
*both of the blushing*
Jiwon: "Do you want me to rub it?"
*jiwon putting his arm around to the front to grab DG's dick and start stroking it*
*DG eyes widen*
DG: "AH!"
"W-wait a second...!" "Ah!" "g-go, I'm g-going to come...!"
*panel showing DG coming and twitching all around. His body is going spastic. Jiwon is still inside him just watching DG orgasm*
*zoomed panel of DG's face, eyes glossed over, still twitching* (T/N: now that's an O-face if I ever saw one. lol)
*zoomed out panel of Jiwon getting up from spoon position and up on top of DG*
Jiwon: "A little bit more..."
DG: "...A-Ah w-wait!" "AH!
Jiwon: "ngh...I think i'm going to come soon too."
*zoomed panel of Jiwon taking off the condom*
Jiwon: "NGH..!"
*panel of cumshot to DG's face.* (T/N: woahohoho.)
DG: "!" "hmm..."
*zoomed out panel of them on the bed, post-climax syndrome where people come to their senses.*
*panel of Jiwon realizing and coming to his senses. blushing* *surprise*
*panel of DG lying on the bed with cum all over his face and chest*
DG: "Ah.. um"
Jiwon: *sweating* "I think I got too excited..."
*zoomed panel of DG's face. Spirit leaving his body lol. cum still on the face*
DG thinking: heh...'If we continue like this, my body probably will not last...!'
*panel of Jiwon giving DG the tissue. Sweatdrop and embarrassed. Subtext: "Here."*
--sunbae is much more caring than before, much more sweet.... but my bottom part is still in trouble for this rough treatment-- (T/N: he's saying he's much more caring but when it comes to sex he's still the wild animal he is. lmao)
Jiwon: "ah, Nam Donggyun, is there a bath here?"
DG: *as he's wiping his face* "Yeah...why?"
Jiwon: *averting his eyes. blushing* "....."
*scene change*
*panel of bath faucet dripping water*
*panel of droplet landing in water*
*zoomed out panel showing Jiwon laying in the bath. DG is in the bath as well maintaining distance and facing the other way out of being embarrassed. He's red up to his shoulders*
Jiwon: "Ah~ Feels nice."
DG: "....."
DG thinking: 'I'm not used to this yet!'
*embarrassed and shivering in a corner lol*
*panel of jiwon hair wet and blushing while still trying to remain cool.* (T/N: that's the type of blushing he does. XD)
Jiwon: "Hey! Are you feeling uncomfortable?"
DG: "I-I'm fine! I'm comfortable with this." *fidgety*
Jiwon: "I hope..."
*panel of jiwon reaching for DG's shoulder*
"that you're comfortable"
*panel of jiwon bringing DG closer so DG is leaning on Jiwon in the bath*
DG: "....!"
*side by side panel of DG looking up at Sunbae and jiwon looking down at DG. They're both red on the cheeks.*
DG: "Sunbae..."
*zoomed out panel of them laying in the bath together*
Jiwon: *embarrassed so brought up a random subject* " time i'll bring some bath products for a great bath."
DG: "Yeah..."
*Panel of DG's feet and Jiwon's feet around his*
*panel of DG's side profile*
DG: "Sunbae, "
"I still can't believe that I can be with you like this"
*panel of jiwon's face. Cheeks red*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel of DG leaning on jiwon happy. Jiwon chilling there too*
DG: "There's a lot of stuff I want to do from now on."
"It's probably because this is my first relationship!"
*panel of jiwon's shocked and red face* *surprise*
Jiwon: "This is your first relationship?"
"How is that possible...? why?!"
*zoomed out panel. aerial shot of them in the bath*
DG: "Well, it's only because I never liked or fallen in love with someone before..."
Jiwon: "Then that time that we went out...that was your first?" (T/N: first date but since their history it's weird context. was it a date was it not? etc)
*flashback panel of them highfiving each other when they went to the arcade together*
DG: "Yeah, that was my first time"
*panel of Jiwon's face. surprised*
Jiwon thinking: 'So he's saying that until now he never went out with someone? Seriously?' (T/N: he's not making fun of him. he's just genuinely surprised)
DG: *smiling* "That's why I would like to celebrate some sort of anniversaries and such too, now that i'm going out with someone. haha"
Jiwon: "Anniversary? Speaking of which, when is your birthday?" (T/N: LOL they didn't even discuss their birthdays. welp better late than never XD)
DG: "The 29th of august"
*panel of jiwon's face utterly shocked. Da da dummm.*
Jiwon thinking: 'It already passed!'
*panel of bathroom wall*
Jiwon: "So...what did you do for your birthday?"
DG: "I just went to school and then worked at the cafe.."
Jiwon: "....."
*clenching his hand on the bathtub ledge*
*panel of Jiwon's backside of his head with DG turning around*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun,"
DG: "?"
Jiwon: "Take off this weekend from work"
*jiwon's face blushing but he's still trying to be cool*
"we'll celebrate your birthday then"
*DG's face blushing and surprised*
*panel of skyline of motel*
DG: "What...?!" "WHAT???!!"
Was too late with this. Should have checked mangago first LOL ☚(゚ヮ゚☚)
I hope there's some more development than just a simple narration of them resolving their problems. Want to see the ups and downs of their relationship. Maybe even jealously from Jiwon while they're in a relationship or how their relationship will be like at university around other people like the student council etc.