I don't think so, specially that it was using in that context:
"I' m happy too that asshole Yanek will die soon"
Part of people like Yanek and are sad, that he will die soon, so when someone uses quote like this is just passive-aggressive.
If someone is using this on forum, then he probably also using it in his real life.
Also it's showing some level of sensitivity of authour this comment.
Answer is accurate.

This shows also some level of sensivity of author of this post. If you use words asshole and how you enjoy someone even fictional character death tells litlle about your character.
People should have litlle more sensivity, specially that they know, that other users are attached to this character. That passive-agressive towards other users for me.

Btw i never see that you react on words like asshole, bitches, teenagers with imbalance hormones or bunch of hypocrite, msybe cause they were writting towards people who like Yanek (?) . That was really low, but you never react on this (=・ω・=)
For me she doesn't do anything wrong, specially cause on this forum were topics that people want to other users suffer cause Yanek death. Now when someone writte how he enjoy, that Yanek-asshole will die soon looks like passive-agressive.

Oh wow, they called a fictional character, who is a criminal anyway which would warrent some people to call him that, an a-hole and wants his death that is going to happen anyway to...happen, so that makes it ok to offend them personally?
There are plenty of people who wish death on characters, but that does not mean they are unpleasant people in real life or that it is ok to insinuate such. That is getting personal.

It's passive agressive not cause they called fictional character asshole, but cause they know that people are attached to character and sad, that he die soon, but they still writting how much they enjoy that he die soon. It's without sensivity towards other users. You can dance on his grave, if you want.
Diesel is also crimina, so what's the point ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
You never react when people called assholes or bitches people, who like Yanek, maybe cause you just don't like him and that why you are not objective.
It's unpleasent, cause in context what happen on this forum latelly, it is passive-agressive.

I'm talking, that people on this forum writte how much they enjoy perspective, that other users will suffer after Yanek death. In this context writting how you enjoy this character will die soon is passive-agressive.
If someone use passive-agressive not towards character, but other users this forum, that we can assume, that he doing it also in real life. She doesn't write anything ofensive and you are blindly on hard insulting other people, with different opinion, than you.

I'm like 2 or 3 times in weak, soecially when korean and english upade arraive. I also don't read most of threads, cause they are too long and rather horing. With using this same arguments again and again.
For me what was writting here is passive-agressive towards other users and assuming thst someone who use this on forum, could also uses this in real life is nothing wrong. It's just case of some level of sensivity and carrying about others people feelings, even when they have differen to pinion, than you.
Yanek will die soon, so why makes this even harder for people who like him?

I don't think, that they are trolling, it's rather lack of sensivity.
We can agree, that we don't agree. For me it is passive-agressive and it's nothing wrong with what writting @strangenight said, specially i context what people writte on this forum. For you it is not.
We can end this discussion and stay with different opinions.
I don't like Yanek and I'm happy he's going to die, but damn the build up to it is twisting my guts.
I really like this story. But now I'm missing Bexan and Minsuk's sweet and light story.