To be honest I hated him for being so indecisive and paranoid about nonsense, but the extra chapter gave me a deeper look about the person he is. I myself was once an indecisive and timid one, who didn't want to make others in trouble so yeah, if my family went to a restaurant then I would choose something cheap because I felt like it would be a burden for my parents. But well you'll learn and you'll grow, it's great that they work out well in the end, Shou did learn something very important, eh?(▰˘◡˘▰)

Yeah that chapter hit me personally. I do exactly that and shut people out, even to this day I can't seem to say what I want. I always think about the price and about them that even though they want to spoil me, I don't let them. It makes me feel a bit of a burden and I want to be able to give them something back and when I can't it makes me feel quite useless and irritated with myself -.- They end up getting a bit mad but play it off as if it's fine so recently I try to at least get one thing I want but I still take the price into account. If they try to get me more than one thing I say no right away "I don't need it" btw I'm the 2nd oldest of 6, I've always been this way"it's first them then me" sort of thinking
I have no idea why but that last extra about Shousuke being unable to act selfish or rely on others always makes me so incredibly emotional. It's kinda sad on its own way, to constantly feel you shouldn't want certain things or that you must adjust your wishes so you don't bother anyone. It's a sort of suppression that causes you to distance yourself from others, since it's very hurtful to want things you "cannot" have. Idk, it just always tears me up; I am glad Shousuke seems to be changing, and I hope Tomoki spoils that boy until he can't take it anymore