I don't want her to die :"( Even if it is to save her lover :"( She deserves better, but w...

toastyBooksAndTea February 9, 2019 5:53 am

I don't want her to die :"( Even if it is to save her lover :"( She deserves better, but we all know how this story ends :"(

    Skythian February 14, 2019 8:24 am

    are you spoiling or the story is not completely finished yet (in raws)? god i hope youre just hypothesizing and her death isnt canon its my fav manga and i hate spoilers like that

    toastyBooksAndTea February 15, 2019 2:07 am

    I am not spoiling, I don't actually know if she is actually going to die or not but if you read the prologue this story seems to be based on an actual myth or story set in that era and Her Shimcheong dies at the end of it. We know the myth ends that way since the story is told in brief during the prologue. She sacrifices her life to restore the eyesight of her father or something. It was that or giving the monk 300 bags of rice which she obviously could not afford, or also being adopted into the Minister Jang's family. She, instead, apparently chose to sacrifice herself to the sea god. The way this story is told led me to believe that her actual reason for sacrificing herself is because she wanted to save the madam. Her death has also been mentioned in the story multiple times by that fortune teller. I hope she doesn't die but it seems like she actually might, I still hope she doesn't though.