No one will read that...

Cricri February 5, 2019 1:20 pm

... but I need to write it somewhere.

I found this manga in august 2016, a few weeks, maybe even few days, after my cat died, hit by a car.
It was really hard at first to read this, I cried a lot just looking at Haru, because my cat was similar to her.
I found her in the countryside in 2009, where I go every chances I get. She was a few months old when we found her, probably 3 month old or even less. My father was convinced that she was the only survivor of the litter, probably killed by humans. She may have been able to survive on her own, but she was so small... We lived then in an appartment in the suburbs of Paris, but quite a big one - it had a 2nd floor - and we used to go in the countryside every hollydays since both my grandparents lived there. So we decided to take her.
My father didn't want to take her at first, but he was vulnerable then, having divorced a month before, and I really, really wanted that cat - I was 15 and the divorce got me bad too, so I manage to convince him.
I think that this cat - we called her Hortie (Ortie = nettles), because when my sister found her for the first time, she got stung by nettles - was in love with my dad. She was a very playfull cat - with me, but always looked sullen and pissed off. She wasn't cuddly at all, she rarely purred (only when she was eating food) and never jump on laps to get cuddled.
Except with my dad. She spent hours on his laps, looking at him, waiting for something, or on a cushion beside him on the couch, to sleep or look at him some more. When we were to the countryside, she agreed to go outside only when my father were outside too.
She never knew my parents together, they already were divorced when we got her, but she may have feel the anger of my father for my mother because the few times I took her to my mother's while my father was away for buisness, my mother - who is very cat-friendly - could not approach her, Hortie kept spitting and caterwauling and stayed in my room except when it was time to eat or when my mother wasn't here.
It was a really strange cat, with a strong personnality, but it was the best cat you could hope for, and she was the cat we needed my dad and I to get over the divorce.
In French, we have a word to call the one plush that a kid can not let go and sleeps and lives with for as long as he can : we call that a doudou (doux means soft) (comforter or security blanket in english I think ?). Anyway, before I realized it, I called Hortie my doudou constantly, and that was what she was for me.
My parents got divorced in june 2009. We found her in august 2009, and she got hit by a car, in the countryside where she was born, in august 2016, exactly 7 years later.
By then, my father had bought a house in this same countryside, had met woman he fell in love with and was happy. I, I got my master degree in french litterature and was about to go to England for 8 months to be a french assistant in a school. My sister had finally forgiven my mother, and was in a steady relation after a few blurred years.
All of us had turn the divorce-page and other difficulties we might have had over.
I'm not religious at all. If I'm something, I would be an atheist.
But I couldn't help but think that she died right when our lives were back on tracks. I mean, the house is in a village in a middle of nowhere, if there are 3 cars passing by in a day, we have the feeling it's crowded. She litteraly was a scareddy cat, she never left the garden, even rarely went behind the porch anyway.
And this day, she decided suddenly to cross the road at the very same moment the only car of the last two hours passed by.
It has been really hard for me and my dad since then. When I found this manga, I was torn apart each time I read a chapter but I could not stop waiting for them. I thought then that I never ever wanted a cat, because I couldn't bear another inevitable seperation. It's way too painful. I still think so, and I still miss Hortie very much.
But I'm glad I have known her, she was the best cat I have ever seen, and I never regretted getting attached to her.
I loved her, and I still do.

    alice February 5, 2019 2:08 pm

    i cread reading this (/TДT)/

    alice February 5, 2019 2:11 pm

    you will be missed hotie-chan
    (& rad this cricri )(&don't give up on cats ok stay strong!)

    Risa95 February 5, 2019 3:04 pm

    That's really sad! I'm sorry for your loss. Hortie sounds like a great cat, a dear friend and a very deeply loved member of ur family. I hope ur pain ease a little as time passes <3

    Cricri February 5, 2019 3:21 pm

    Wow ! I didn't expect anyone to read this long monologue !
    Thank you Alice and Risa95. 2 years and a half have passed now, I'm fine, it still hurts a bit, but I'm gratefull to Hortie and more glad than sad to have known her.
    Thank you so much for your comforting words !!

    Queen ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ February 5, 2019 5:01 pm

    Hortie (T^T)

    This + The Manga = Me crying like a river.

    Cricri February 5, 2019 6:02 pm
    Hortie (T^T) This + The Manga = Me crying like a river. Queen ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    It wasn't my purpose at all ! I'm sorry !┗( >﹏< )┛
    I just needed to talk about her, and it did make me feel better..
    She was a fantastic cat, even though she was moody and a little bit crazy now that I can think back about it (and a little bit overweighted)... that was what made her this fantastic actually !

    AstrudCrescent February 5, 2019 7:48 pm

    Sad... ╥﹏╥ but what a nice relationship you had! Cats truly are wonderful! Hortie is a hero in cat-form!! Separation is hard especially for a pet that is family. I hope all wounds would heal and you'll be able to take care of a new cat. Hugs to both of you!
    ⊂(・﹏・⊂) ⊂(・﹏・⊂)

    Yuyayo February 5, 2019 9:36 pm

    Sometimes life seems like there are people or animals just right there at the right moment. I'm happy for yoy that you got to have a kind of help after the divorce. Still sad that Hortie died too early...

    Cricri February 5, 2019 9:38 pm
    Sad... ╥﹏╥ but what a nice relationship you had! Cats truly are wonderful! Hortie is a hero in cat-form!! Separation is hard especially for a pet that is family. I hope all wounds would heal and you'll b... AstrudCrescent

    A hero in cat-from, that probably is the best description ever !
    Thank you very much for your kind words. You're all so sweet !
    (needless to say that the cat on you picture is the fluffiest and cutest !!)

    Cricri February 5, 2019 9:46 pm
    Sometimes life seems like there are people or animals just right there at the right moment. I'm happy for yoy that you got to have a kind of help after the divorce. Still sad that Hortie died too early... Yuyayo

    You're right, it definitly was this kind of feeling. It had to be her and no one else, and I'm glad I had the chance to meet her and keep her for this seven years.
    All your words helped me a lot, even if it has been two years now, it's still painful and it's still helpful to get comfort from other people.
    Thank you ! ٩(⁄●⁄'⁄◡⁄'⁄●⁄)۶

    JustBeingMyself February 6, 2019 7:54 am

    My 1st cat got hit by a car few years ago right in front of our house. He died at the age of 2 yro.
    I was really heartbroken knowing that he died alone in that cold street where we found him already starting to get hard.
    I was grieving for a whole month and didn't wanna have another cat.
    He was the only friend that I had.

    I hated the people that saying that I shouldn't grief over a pet, because they just animals and can be replaced by getting another pet.
    I was really angry when they said that to me.

    After that month of grieving a street kitten came into my life I didn't wanna have him, but somehow he warmed my heart and so I adopted him.
    But unfortunately he to has left my side having a stroke at age of 2.
    Yet again I was sad, but not as much as my 1st.

    I didn't had cats for long time after that until my little dog found a kitten barely 20 days old in our garden. Very skinny.
    I couldn't leave him alone. And nursed him after checking him up at the vet.

    He's black and white fur shines more and more and belly grew round. He grew up nicely. But he's very naughty cat. My little prince is now 8 yro while my dog is almost 13 yro.
    I hope both of my beloved "kids" would have a long life.

    JustBeingMyself February 6, 2019 7:54 am
    My 1st cat got hit by a car few years ago right in front of our house. He died at the age of 2 yro.I was really heartbroken knowing that he died alone in that cold street where we found him already starting to ... JustBeingMyself

    *his black and white fur

    Eva Mark 06 February 6, 2019 10:09 am

    I understand what you mean...
    I lost my pet, a grumpy 11 years old rabbit, exactly one year ago. I still miss him and always will, but all the memories I have of him are still with me.

    The only difference with your story, it's that my grumpy little one did the opposite of your cat. He would be grumpy and snob all the other people but me. It always made my heart feel warm, also because he was not the type to stick close to people at all.

    Cricri February 6, 2019 11:50 am
    My 1st cat got hit by a car few years ago right in front of our house. He died at the age of 2 yro.I was really heartbroken knowing that he died alone in that cold street where we found him already starting to ... JustBeingMyself

    I'm so sorry, it must have been so hard to lost the first one, and get attached to another one even though you didn't want it at first, to finally lose him so fast. It was very brave of you to take the seconde and third one, instead of finding someone else to keep them and to love them.
    But it is still a happy ending, and I hope that the three of you will live happily ever after !

    Cricri February 6, 2019 11:58 am
    I understand what you mean...I lost my pet, a grumpy 11 years old rabbit, exactly one year ago. I still miss him and always will, but all the memories I have of him are still with me.The only difference with yo... Eva Mark 06

    Your grumpy rabbit must have had a very happy and peacefull life with you !

    It's always such a warm feeling when a pet finally get attached to you, even though he still has trouble dealing with other people. You managed to make him feel safe, and that's the most important thing.
    Hortie cuddled with my dad she was in love with, and went to me when she wanted to play. Even though she was already seven y.o, she still loved to hide and to play with my hands, so much that she sometimes forgot to be carefull and since I didn't care one bit, I still have some light scars.

    JustBeingMyself February 6, 2019 6:24 pm
    I'm so sorry, it must have been so hard to lost the first one, and get attached to another one even though you didn't want it at first, to finally lose him so fast. It was very brave of you to take the seconde ... Cricri

    Thanks you (=・ω・=)

    Cyrano February 7, 2019 11:38 pm
    Wow ! I didn't expect anyone to read this long monologue !Thank you Alice and Risa95. 2 years and a half have passed now, I'm fine, it still hurts a bit, but I'm gratefull to Hortie and more glad than sad to ha... Cricri

    I read it too, it certainly isn't too long, au contraire!
    Ce chat a enrichi ta vie. Ces beaux souvenirs, c'est le cadeau qu'ils nous donnent pour le temps après qu'ils nous ont quitté...

    Cricri February 8, 2019 4:04 pm
    I read it too, it certainly isn't too long, au contraire! Ce chat a enrichi ta vie. Ces beaux souvenirs, c'est le cadeau qu'ils nous donnent pour le temps après qu'ils nous ont quitté... Cyrano

    J'ai lu ton "au contraire" avec l'accent anglais avant de comprendre que tu parlais français, et je me suis sentie vraiment bête !

    C'est une très belle vision de la chose, que de voir les souvenirs comme un cadeau qu'ils nous laissent pour continuer sans eux. C'est vraiment à la fois poétique et consolant. Alors merci beaucoup pour tes mots !

    Cyrano February 8, 2019 4:52 pm
    J'ai lu ton "au contraire" avec l'accent anglais avant de comprendre que tu parlais français, et je me suis sentie vraiment bête ! C'est une très belle vision de la chose, que de voir les souvenirs comme un ... Cricri

    De rien. Pardonne-moi de sauter comme ça d'une langue à l'autre; je me réalisais à moitié chemin que je parlais à une Française (qui écrit très bien l'Anglais, par ailleurs)
    Alors moi, comme je suis Belge, ça me paraissait absurde de continuer en Anglais. (J'habite Ypres, la Ville des Chats).
    Durant ma vie, j'ai eu une longue ribambelle de chats, qui chacun m'ont fait l'héritier de beaux souvenirs, pour lesquels je suis très reconnaissant. Ca sert à te consoler de leur disparition. Et à te convaincre d'adopter un nouveau chat!

    PBF February 8, 2019 10:29 pm

    I’m very sorry for your loss. Don’t forget to cherish the precious memories you have of her.