Most people want her with Lucas, though. Because he's a typical ML. That's why I want her with Ijekiel. But that could end with her in tears like you said. So I don't want her to end up with anyone.
For similar reasons, I distrust Mr. White more than I distrust Jenette. ...But not only because it would be typical to distrust her over that guy.

A typical ML? Thats not the reason at all. Lucas is basically an older guy in a kid's body, same goes to Athy who got reincarnated. He treats Athy with care and looks after her all the time. Their relationship is comfortable and healthy, you can see them mutually teasing each other and even squabbling like an old couple. They're amusing to watch. Ijekiel is just a character in the "Lovely Princess" and he might end up with Jeanette like in the original story so I think Lucas is a safe choice. No need to worry though this story is more focused on father-daughter relationship than romance.

I agree. And the same could be said about the age gap between Athy & Ijekiel. Back when Athy was saying that she could not stand it that a boy younger than her beat her in academics, it felt, imo, that it correctly showed Athy's priorities. Mayhaps she doesn't quite see Ijekiel as a romantic interest, only as a friend. This is supported when they were at the flower field. It was romantic, yes, but there wasn't any spark from Athy's side. Further supported when Lucas c*ckblocked Ijekiel and suddenly transported her back, she wasn't flustered or anything about Ijekiel.
Tho I agree that Lucas IS a typical ML. But, that is one of the reasons why I think he is the best candidate for Athy. Because he is old, I think he'd understand Athy's feeling of being out of her time, tho that's not what happened with her. And there is also the fact that despite having no evident reasons to stay, he said that he'll still stay by her side. Typical shoujo ML of him, I'd say.

I distrust Mr. White too but I still can't help but distrust Jennette more. It's biased of me, but didn't Athy say that Jennette was conceived through Black Magic? I don't want to completely write her off as a villain because of it, but I think it'll factor in her behaviour. What's more, Athy expects trouble from Mr. White and will be prepared. But does she expect if from Jennette, goody, sweet, lovable, Jennette? No. So I think it'll be used as an avenue for plot in the future.
Just a thought, if you don't want Athy to end up with anyone, how would you like this to end?

Personally, I think people prefer Lucas because he had more of a personality, and the other guy is more of a generic nice guy who's perfectly perfect in every way. Yes, it's a typical shoujo trope - setting up the perfect fantasy guy with the rough reality guy, but there's a good reason for it. Also, Lucas has gotten much more "screen time" so the readers know him more, and he's got the whole "adult in a child's body" thing that Athy does, so it didn't feel like pedo vibes. He's also saved Athy several times now, and clearly cares.
TBH, I don't like Jennette at all. I trust Mr. Whitey more than I do her. At the very least we know the character of Mr. Whitey. Jennette looks like she's sweet but I doubt that's true. Her daydream with Athy and the King raised a flag imo. Same with how she addressed Athy at the end of the tea party. The words were innocent enough, but the underlying meaning could be that she's elevating herself above the other girls in that party. Suspicious, since by all accounts she's supposed to be a sweet girl. And sorry but I like Lucas more than I do Ijekiel. I don't think ijekiel is bad, just that Athy's monologue in the tea party sounds ominous. How the story revolved around Jennette and that everything was hers, or something like that. What if the "novel" forces Ijekiel and Jennette together in the end? What about Athy? Would she be alone in the end? And besides, Lucas has been protecting Athy for years. They're comfortable with one another. I think it'll be fine. Tho the age thing might be a problem.