You know what I just considered...

辛 Ni-chan February 2, 2019 12:15 pm

What if the only thing the antidote does is stop the pain they feel during bloom and gets rid of the death at 25 but everything else stays the same and they remain flower maidens vs turning into a regular woman

    Doodle February 2, 2019 12:44 pm

    It’s already been blatantly shown that half finished antidote delays bloom. So naturally, full antidote stops blooms all together

    辛 Ni-chan February 2, 2019 1:10 pm
    It’s already been blatantly shown that half finished antidote delays bloom. So naturally, full antidote stops blooms all together Doodle

    I was thinking more along the lines as in what if her antidote turns out to be a treatment and not a cure.

    Doodle February 2, 2019 2:48 pm
    I was thinking more along the lines as in what if her antidote turns out to be a treatment and not a cure. 辛 Ni-chan

    So a matter of whether they need to take it just once or continuously? I guess the latter will help her create a more successful business ha