
Yojam January 29, 2019 6:45 am



To people who portrays Diesel as the bad guy because there is a possibility that he will keep Ein's secret from Yanek, I say...

...the choice is not so easy.
On one side there is the Yanek who saved Diesel from the rapist and is his everything, on the other hand there is Ein, a man to whom he feels a strong connection, a virtual stranger who also saved Diesel's ass since he has not told about his existence to his collegue (so Ein guaranteed him a secure future, without the risk of being chased by the police).
After the separation with his dad, diesel has known only the nastiest side of the world until Yanek and Ein, so from his point of view he surely feels he owes them both, not only Yanek. So whatever the choice he will wrong the other party.

Imagine both your parents are in danger and you have to choose who to save. You can't save both of them, because saving one means the death of the other. It's a nightmare that comes true, and the choice is not so easy nor immediate, it's undestable if you take your time to make a decision.

I hope Diesel will keep Ein's secret, not because he might feel more for him, but because Yanek tends to kill anyone who represents a danger to him, while if Yanek does not know Ein's secret, the only danger is that he ends up in jail

    Yojam January 30, 2019 2:29 am

    As @sakura pointed out Diesel only discovered Ein secret in ch 50. Before he smelled lie from Ein but does not have proof that he is a danger to Yanek.

    Yanek was not at home for 1 day (I don't understand what you are refferring to when when you said Yanek was not home for 2 say). Even Ein said "he will be back al dawn tomorrow"

    People can make quick decision if it means saving someone, but it' a great responsability when your action will lead someone' death, no matter what you choose.
    Diesel has always put his life in danger for Yanek, because from his prespective he is the good guy and the rest is evil. But this time the difference betweent Yanek and Ein is not so clear, because he saw that also Ein is a good guy who deserves his loyality.

    I don't know if you are purposly repeating the same tune, but if that's not the case and if you have enough patience to re-read carfully my previous post, you will see that I already said why I don't agree with you.
    I think I had said all I that has to be said and I don't wish to repeat myself ( ̄∇ ̄)

    strangenight January 30, 2019 3:09 am
    As @sakura pointed out Diesel only discovered Ein secret in ch 50. Before he smelled lie from Ein but does not have proof that he is a danger to Yanek.Yanek was not at home for 1 day (I don't understand what yo... Yojam

    Yanek isn't conrtrol freak, i m curious why you call him that? It's funny how you tell, that Yanek is paranoid, cause he was assuming that Diesel isn't honest with him, when actually this is true. It's not being paranoid, only have to good sense. Yanek isn't mastermind, cause he wasn't discover, that Diesel not saying him true about his suspission towards Ein during living together like lovers.

    Idea to warns Ein is rather bad, since danger is not Ein himself only police who spying Yanek and collected evidences against him. That doesn't metter who ersonally does it. Important thing is that Yanek is in danger. Better idea would be just anonymus warn Ein or maybe even personally, that Ein should run, cause Yanek suspects him, if Diesel wants to protect Ein so much.

    I cheek again chapter 51 and i was wrong, that Yanek and Ein go out together. But this meeting at night isn't something common, but it's really important. When Ein was tallking with his boss in 51 chapter, he told him that at night Yanek meet with his selleman and they will make huge drug transaction. Ein will get finaly occasion to collect final evidences against Yanek and Diesel was hearing about this. Diesel was looking like Ein going out from house. He could run to him and asks him where he will meet with Yanek or just follow him to warn Yanek. Yanek risks his lie for him, so he just could try do something to warning Yanek about danger before transaction will have place.
    Diesel knows that druging this transaction, Yanek will be with spying him policeman. He could try prevent this, but he does nothing. If Diesel told about this Yanek, he would be carefull, maybe leave Berlin or back to Bulagria, but he would be alieve. That was worth to try. That was chance for Diesel to returns favor and saves Yanek.
    It couldn't work, but he would try and since Yanek can risks his life in potentially lethal situation for him, then Diesel could do this much for him. You probably don't like Yanek, but for everything what he did for Diesel, he deserves this much from him.
    It will be fair, cause Yanek made for Diesel much more, than only saved him from priest.
    Being passive is worst option, cause it's silent agreement on bad things, which can happen to Yanek in future, cause this. It's looks like Yanek cares much more about Diesel, than Diesel about him (If he cares at all).
    That's reasons why people can not like Diesel and they have rights to do this.

    Yojam January 30, 2019 9:56 am

    I don't know how much the tranlation of ch 52 is correct, but if it is then at the end Yanek kind of asked if Diesel knew that Ein was hiding something and he said no, but Yanek was skeptical. Seeing Diesel expression there is not a clue about him lying (like fidgeting, averting your eyes) rather he seems a bit catatonic because of the wound..so how the heck someone can suspect him lying?Yanek went from giving a blowjob and telling Diesel to never leave him to suspecting him in 24 h. You can call it "good sense" but I say he is being paranoid.

    When I said Yanek is a mastermind, I was comparing his twisted mind with the simplicity of Diesel mind. I also said Diesel is a simpleton, didn't I?

    For me Yanek is a control-freack because he manipulated Diesel into becoming a killing machine and then he made it seem that if Diesel leaves him he will be mistrated. On one hand he taught him how to fend for himself, on the hand he is breacking his self-confidence. It seems Yanek did not have the purest intention in making Diesel strong.

    In ch 38 when the bad guy is trying to broke into Ein' house he was talking on the phone and said "I'll try my best so that won't be any corpse to deal with" meaning he will try to not kill anyone.
    If Diesel does not reveal Ein's secret, the only danger for Yanek in ending up in jail, because Ein kills only if it is really necessary. So if Yanek is dead It is very likely that he did something that made his death the only option.

    strangenight January 30, 2019 11:49 am
    I don't know how much the tranlation of ch 52 is correct, but if it is then at the end Yanek kind of asked if Diesel knew that Ein was hiding something and he said no, but Yanek was skeptical. Seeing Diesel exp... Yojam

    Yanek was starting suspect Diesel, cause he has reason to fo this. Diesel lying to.Yanek and his senses telling him true. It's not paranoid, but good intuition. He's smart guy and about lying you can asume after many details, Yanek is correct here.
    Yanek also not suspects Diesel before, ca7se he telling him about his crimes and let him live with him. He's start doing this now, cause actually wlhis suspections are correct. It's not paroinoid when you think, that someone lying to you and he actually does it.

    You know that Yanek really cares about Diesel, he is infatueatted with him and risks his life for him. It's not common behavior for man like him, but you describie him like Diesel was only for him. You not.risks your life without thinking and go full rush deffendles in house with asassians who want to kill you for person, who is only toy for you. He really cares about him, just look 52 chapter, but you describe him like he only using Diesel.
    And here we go again. I really don't like people saying about Diesel like some doll. Just bad bad Yanek manipuletes him to everything and poor sint Diewel hasn't own wil anf he 8s n9t resposible for nothing in his life.
    I don't think that Diesel was forced to killing i think that he could just start doing it naturally since he probably almost always goes out with him. It was also his decission, like about not telling Yanek true. Diesel doesn't have problem too killing civil innocent peoplr like Minsuk-ex, so he is also criminal.
    Ein didn't kill people, cause he is policeman and Yanek is criminal, he not doing this for fun, but this is how it looks in criminal world. Diesel also killing people and want does it to civil man in Seoul.
    And you say about jail like something light. Yanek can get into prison on 25 years on more. If it's something so light, so Diesel also should go to prison on more than 25 years, but Yanek and Ein try protect him from this. Even Ein just lying about Diesel and trys cover his murders, cause going to jail on your whole life is horrible and he doesn't want to this happens to Diesel. It's something huge, but we have double standards towards Diesel and Yanek.
    Diesel could prevent police from collect more informations about Yanek and not expose Ein secret in this same time. He could saves man, who saved him, risks his life for him, helps him become somethig stronger, who gives him home and with who he sleaping and living, but he decides not. He doesn't cares about Yanek, doing nothing to protect him, when he actually is protected by him. He not must stay with Yanek, but he should helps him and telling him true about danger.
    This makes him dishonest and calculated. People has reasons to not like him anymore, cause it's looks like he's using Yanek for his own sake.

    Umbrella from Mars January 30, 2019 12:39 pm
    I don't know how much the tranlation of ch 52 is correct, but if it is then at the end Yanek kind of asked if Diesel knew that Ein was hiding something and he said no, but Yanek was skeptical. Seeing Diesel exp... Yojam

    In that case Yanek isn't paranoid. He's careful man.
    Yanek was trusting Diesel, he was talking to him about his work and traffick stuff. If Yanek was suspecting Diesel earler then he wouldn't say him about this.
    Yanek starts to suspect Diesel, after he saw how Ein shout intruders in their knees. That gives him doubts and it's reason why he start think about how much Diesel know and not telling him.
    It's not being paranoid, only good intuition and obswrvation. If Diesel wasn't hide from him what he knows, then Yanek would continue trust him.
    For me Yanek is too sanguine as criminal and that's would ruin him. He suspects Ein, but let him go free. If he kill him in that time, then he would still alive. Criminals must be carerful and don't have hesitations to survive.

    Yojam January 30, 2019 1:01 pm

    To @strangenight and @umbrella from mars

    1)We, the readers, know that Diesel's loyalty is divited, not Yanek. If you can show me a single moment between Yanek and Diesel interaction, when Diesel has SAID or DONE something suspicious (his inner turmoil is known only to us), I will change my mind. Until then, Yanek suspecting Diesel without a clue will remain the behavior of a paranoid.

    2)I'm not saying Diesel is not doing bad thing and he sould not be responsible for them but he is indeed a puppet in Yanek's hand.
    why else would he go fighting people he didn't even know if Yanek didn't manipulate him into believing they are evil? However all those fighting is about Yanek gaining power. Diesel does not want power, he only need love and a safe home.
    You talk about double-standard, but I suspect you don't know the level of emotional dependency someone with abandonment issue has towards people who show them kindness. They receive little compared to how they are willing to give, hoping they will not be abandoned never again.

    I"m happy that Diesel is questioning his loyalty towards Yanek, because it means he is finally waking up from his blind love towards Yanek

    strangenight January 30, 2019 1:46 pm
    To @strangenight and @umbrella from mars1)We, the readers, know that Diesel's loyalty is divited, not Yanek. If you can show me a single moment between Yanek and Diesel interaction, when Diesel has SAID or DON... Yojam

    For me it's really funy, that you call Yanek paranoid, when Yanek was careful, but never suspects Diesel about anything until last attack.
    Loyality of Diesel isn't divited, only is just lack it toward Yanek. Diesel doesn't love Yanek but still living with him and let him think, that he can trust him. He knows, that Yanek is in danger, but he refuse warning him about this. That's not too much for someone who saved you, carring about you, gives you home, tenderness and with who you sleap every night. You now that it's manga? We read panels not watching movie and Yanek subconciouss see some details, what let him get that susspision. Yanek isn't paranoi, cause he not assume some crazy stuff, only something what really Diesel doing. That shows only that he is smart.
    Here definition:

    Paranoia is an instinct or thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear to the point of DELUSION and IRRATIONALITY.

    Yanek susppision aren't DELUSION or IRATIONALITY. Yanek have right here, it's not some crazy stuffs what he creates without reason in his head.

    Like i said i really don't like when ppl treat Diesel like doll withot conciouss. He made his own decission, for example to not saying true. If so bad Yanek only manipulate him, poor person without own will to does bad things, so why Diesel still wants to kill innocent person in Seoul? Diesel isn't innocent.
    I don't say that Diesel want power, but it's something what he definitlty need in his life, since he's easy target and if he can't protect himself, then he could again finish in some basment. Yanek helps him learn how to defend himself.

    And you aactually have double standard towards Ein, Diesel and Yanek.
    - killing people by Yanek is bad, he deserves go to jail, killing ppl by Diesel is ok, he doesn't deserve prison.
    -Ein covered Diesel murders and protect him. That's great and romantic. Diesel not protectig Yanek from jail, it's ok, he deserves on this, he doesn't must doing it
    - Yanek risks his life for Diesel, ehhh nothing big, he's just manipulative machine.

    Diesel is calculeted here, cause he staying with man who cares about him and in this same time giving silent agreement to whatever happen in Yanek future. He doesn't feel, that he should save Yanek, like Yanek saved him. He has possibility to protect both Yanek and Ein, but he doesn't do it.
    That's why people think about him like doublefaced and don't like him.

    Yojam January 30, 2019 3:08 pm

    Where is the clue that Diesel is lying?when asked if he knew something about Ein, did he fidget or flinch, did he avert his eye?no!because of the wound he was lying down like a corpse on the bed. Even in manga theese kind of facial expression.
    So people who suspect other based on nothing are delusional and irrational. Thank you for confirming that Yanek is paranoid.

    Diesel needs power to fend for himself, but he don't need to take down a bunch of criminal in order to demonstrate that he is not a victim anymore.
    Yanek made Diesel a tought man but why is he trying to destroy Diesel self-confidece by saying that if he leaves him he will suffer?

    "And you aactually have double standard towards Ein, Diesel and Yanek. 
    - killing people by Yanek is bad, he deserves go to jail, killing ppl by Diesel is ok, he doesn't deserve prison.
    -Ein covered Diesel murders and protect him. That's great and romantic. Diesel not protectig Yanek from jail, it's ok, he deserves on this, he doesn't must doing it
    - Yanek risks his life for Diesel, ehhh nothing big, he's just manipulative machine."

    I have never said these things. I only pointed out that if Diesel protects Yanek, Ein will surely die, while if Diesel protects Ein the only danger for Yanek is ending up in jail. I have never said Yanek deserves to die because he is a criminal, but that when he dies it is likely because there will not be any other option.

    "Diesel is calculeted here, cause he staying with man who cares about him and in this same time giving silent agreement to whatever happen in Yanek future. He doesn't feel, that he should save Yanek, like Yanek saved him. He has possibility to protect both Yanek and Ein, but he doesn't do it.
    That's why people think about him like doublefaced and don't like him"

    I already explained why the reasons behind judging Diesel badly for his hesitancy are a bunch of bullshit, at least for me. It's my opinion and you don't have to agree. However we are like two broken disks playing the same tune again and again, trying to convince the other party.
    So unless there are new arguments, for me the discussion ends here.
    See you in other post (⌒▽⌒)

    Yojam January 30, 2019 3:10 pm
    Where is the clue that Diesel is lying?when asked if he knew something about Ein, did he fidget or flinch, did he avert his eye?no!because of the wound he was lying down like a corpse on the bed. Even in manga... Yojam

    *even in manga theese kind of facial expressions and action are portrayed

    strangenight January 30, 2019 4:12 pm
    Where is the clue that Diesel is lying?when asked if he knew something about Ein, did he fidget or flinch, did he avert his eye?no!because of the wound he was lying down like a corpse on the bed. Even in manga... Yojam

    Not telling your lover about, that he is danger, are mols in his house and people close to him is lying. It's not something small. Lying is also hidden important informations from your lover, family and friend, which can, harm him and put him in danger. Like i said, Diesel doesn't have to say him about Ein, it's enough if he saying him that police know about termin and place his transaction and are moles in house.

    Yanek have reasons to suspects Diesel now, cause Diesel gives them himself to him. He's not paranoid cause like it was in dictionary his susspections aren't DEILUSION and IRRATIONALY. You can't say whatever Yanek saw on Diesel face or not cause it's MANGA and he lives with him every day. Yanek alwas trusting Diesel until attack in his house, he just stop doing that now and he has right hete, cause Diesel isn't honest with him. It's not only about face expression, but also deduction:
    - Yanek see how Ein whitout thinking shot intruders in knees. That's not what soldiers do, rather policeman.
    - Diesel also seeing this, but he not sayiying anything. Diesel like werewolf has more sharpened sense, than people
    - sinse Yanek het this conlusion, so why Diesel not? Yanek just starts now thinking that Diesel is naive or just not telling him true. He has right here!
    Yanek has reasonable reasons to starts wonder about Diesel honest. It's not DELUSION or IRATIONALY, so he is not paranoid. Even, when i give you deffinition and basics to reasons, why Yanek can stop trust Diesel now, you will still saying about him lile paranoid cause you want see him like this. It's not objective.

    If Diesel said Yanek that are moles in house, and police talking about his huge transaction, then Ein secret woudn't be realised. He would save also Yanek in this way, but he stay being passive and just looking how Yanek future is destroing by police. If he cares so much about Ein that he could say him, that Yaneks knows about him or suspects him and he should run. He could in this same time told Yanek about risk and saved him in that way. He just not choose this way.
    If Diesel not saying Yanek about danger, then he almost for sure ends in prison on 30 or more years. He has oportunity to protect them both, but he doesn't do that. Yanek deserves this much from him, but Diesel is calculated with not saying him about danger and still living with him as his lover. Thanks that he has home and safety.

    Also i never said, that you say that Yanek deserved to die (lol). You also saying too lightly about prison. You think, that Diesel not have to say about police to Yanek what probably end with prision and he's doing right. In this same time, you don't say that Diesel, who killed many people, also should go to prison. Ein protects him from this and covers his murders, yet it's ok when Diesel not doing this same for Yanek. Towards Diesel, Yanek crimes and protection them from jail by their lovers you have double standards. That's depending of who you like or not.

    For you good reasons to not liking Diesel are bulshit, for me and others people your reason are like that. You don't even care what paranoid means and reaped this again and again, even when definition saying something else. You just don't want to be objective here, cause you don't like Yanek and love Diesel.

    People have rights to think about Diesel like calculeted, dishonest person and you shoudn't tell him to not doing this. They have own, for me good reasons to do this.
    The best is ending his discusion, it's pointless writing this same again and again.