
Yojam January 29, 2019 6:45 am



To people who portrays Diesel as the bad guy because there is a possibility that he will keep Ein's secret from Yanek, I say...

...the choice is not so easy.
On one side there is the Yanek who saved Diesel from the rapist and is his everything, on the other hand there is Ein, a man to whom he feels a strong connection, a virtual stranger who also saved Diesel's ass since he has not told about his existence to his collegue (so Ein guaranteed him a secure future, without the risk of being chased by the police).
After the separation with his dad, diesel has known only the nastiest side of the world until Yanek and Ein, so from his point of view he surely feels he owes them both, not only Yanek. So whatever the choice he will wrong the other party.

Imagine both your parents are in danger and you have to choose who to save. You can't save both of them, because saving one means the death of the other. It's a nightmare that comes true, and the choice is not so easy nor immediate, it's undestable if you take your time to make a decision.

I hope Diesel will keep Ein's secret, not because he might feel more for him, but because Yanek tends to kill anyone who represents a danger to him, while if Yanek does not know Ein's secret, the only danger is that he ends up in jail

    Sexy crab January 29, 2019 11:58 am

    The choice is not easy, but exist.
    He is with man who saved him and risks his life and still not saying him true, that Ein spying him snd want to put him into prision oo rest of his life. If Diesel cares about him, then he would do anything to protect Yanek from this future.
    Diesel not do this, co he must not cared about him too much like person. In that case he should leave him and stop he so doublefaced towards person, who cares alot about him.
    Problem with Diesel is that he do nothing, queit watching like others want bring Yanek down and do anything.
    He has two honest option:
    1. Staying with Yanek and telling him true
    2. Leave him, since he doesn't want to telling him that close to him perople betraying him.
    But he doesn't choose any of them, only staying passive and calculated.

    strangenight January 29, 2019 12:06 pm

    If Diesel stays with Yanek and not telling him true, then he will be resposible for whatever happens to Yanek.
    Spending in prison you whole life is something big, for some ppl it is worse than be death and if u are in love with someone, you just want to protect this person.
    Since Diesel doesn t do this, that means thst he not carry to much for him snd doesn't love him. In that case he should be stop be his l9lever and leave him. Yanek saved Diesel life and gives him home. At last he deserves on honesty from Diesel.

    Yojam January 29, 2019 2:00 pm

    My post is not questioning whether Diesel has a choice or not, obviouly there is but the scenario you are describing has not happened yet, and maybe it won't happen, because that is not the only way the situation could unfold.

    I'm adressesing people who are quick to label him as a calculating person and went as far as portraying him as a villain, only because he was not quick enough to expose Ein's secret. If Yanek deserves Diesel's loyality, so does Ein, because both of them helped him in their own way.

    If one day we were faced with the question "Which of your parent would you save from death, given the possibility?", I think there will be no one who could answer right away (unless you hate one of your parent.)
    So does it mean we are ALL potentially calculating liar, passive and the villain of our life?

    Sexy crab January 29, 2019 5:53 pm
    My post is not questioning whether Diesel has a choice or not, obviouly there is but the scenario you are describing has not happened yet, and maybe it won't happen, because that is not the only way the situat... Yojam

    I don't agreebwith you here.
    If I love someone and i would know, that he is in dangerous, then i would do everything to protect him. I know, that Yanek is criminal, but it's doesn't mater here, cause if we talking about close person in our life like parents, child or lever. We are not objective towards people who we love.

    For example Ein, he's policeman, and he trys covered Diesel. He know, that Diesel killed many people and he's also criminal, yet he not objective towards him and use double standards towards him, only cause he loves him. That's ok to me.
    This same is for Yanek. If Diesel truly loves him, then he would tell him that he is dangerous and trys to protect him from policeman who want to destroying his life. Puting into prison on 30 years or more is something really big, u will not saying so lightly about this, it would be connected to Diesel, who for killing people also deserve for 25 years oin prison or more.
    Yanek risks his life for Diesel to save him, Ein trys covered Diesel crimes and protects him from prison, evryone who cares about someone did things like that, but Diesel NO. It's seems like he doesn't loves Yanek or even cares to much about him. He knows, that Ein spying him and wants brings him down and still doing nothing. His passive is silent agreement on whatever happens in Yanek future.
    Diesel knows, that someone spying around here and that Ein is lier, still is silent. Later he known that Ein is policman who want to put Yanek into prison, he still stay with him, probably for his own sake. He see how Yanek go out with Ein. If Diesel cares about him, then he should run to him and say him to stay with him, he even doesn't have to him dirsectly about Ein, but in that way prevents to polce not get more Information about his criminal life.

    Diesel if wants cover Ein, he can even not directly tell Yanek about Ein, just said him, that he feels someone else scent in house, that he finds bugs, that police probably follow him and he should stop criminal buissness for some time.

    Diesel not doing anything and still stay with Yanek. If he not cares about him, then he should leave. Yanek saved him from basment, give hims home, learn how to he strong and changes his life for better and in this points Yanek deserves to Diesel be honest and tell him that he is in dangerous.

    People have good reasons here to think, that Diesel is calculated. Ein and Yanek try protect him, but Diesel just let silent about rhat Yanek is in erious dangerous and not ven trys prevent Yanek from going out with Ein, who spying him and this sime let police collects more informations about Yanek, which can brings him down in future. That's not what honest and carying person does. Worst part is, that Yanek believes him, thinks that he honest with him and Diesel is person, who he can trusts.
    I change my opinion about Diesel after last two chapters.
    His behaviors gives reason to think about him like calculeted and doublefaced person.

    Yojam January 29, 2019 8:10 pm

    So far Diesel has not made a choice. The scenario you are describing, where he remains by Yanek's side sill protecting Ein has not happened yet, and maybe it won't happen. Maybe Diesel would protect Ein's secret, however he would warn him that if he continue to pretend to be Yanek's friend he will have to harm him, now that his secret is exposed to Diesel.

    As regards Diesel not saying anything about his suspicion from the beginning, I think he did the most reasonable thing.
    On one side we have Yanek, who taught Diesel that the world is a dangerous place, where respect is earned by violence and fear (chapter 46.) and we all are seeing that Yanek is not someone who can comptomise, if you are not a friend you are a treat who sould be eliminated without further discussion. As he said "break them in, before they break you".
    On the other side we have Ein, who wants to frame Yanek and put him in jail. We know his real intention, not Diesel, so when he doesn't tell anything about his suspicions, which is based only on Ein smelling like lie and not other certain proof, I think "thank god, this guy is not so blinded by love to unleash a rabid dog (i.e. Yanek) toward a person only because he smells like lie". It shows me that Diesel is willing to risk his life for Yanek, but not the life of another person who is innocent until proven guilty.

    So returning to the main point of my argument.
    Both Yanek and Ein is important for Diesel, and my previous post is trying to show you, and whoever think like you, that just because Diesel hesitates, it does not mean he is a double-faced, calculating and passive liar or that he does not love Yanek enough. For me it means that Diesel is not so blindly in love with Yanek to not see that also Ein deserves his loyality. We would hesitate too if we have to choose between which of our loved one we sould save from a harmful situation.

    If after this post I couldn't make you understand my point of view, I think we can end the discussion here since further discussion would be redundant, and I don't think you and I have time to make a tread with 155 repetive, boring answers ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    morning_dew January 29, 2019 8:33 pm
    So far Diesel has not made a choice. The scenario you are describing, where he remains by Yanek's side sill protecting Ein has not happened yet, and maybe it won't happen. Maybe Diesel would protect Ein's secr... Yojam

    Just want to drop in and say, I absolutely agree with what you are saying. This whole situation isn't as black and white as it seems.

    Yojam January 29, 2019 9:55 pm
    Just want to drop in and say, I absolutely agree with what you are saying. This whole situation isn't as black and white as it seems. morning_dew

    You summarized my message perfectly

    tilted human January 29, 2019 10:02 pm

    I' m not agree.
    For now, relationship with Yanek isn't on this same level what with Ein. Diesel lives with Yanek, is his lover and was saved by him. I don't think, that Diesel loves Yanek, but he is some indebet towards him. He not has to say him directly about Ein, but he should telling him, that someone spying him and are bugs in his house.

    Someone said here, that Diesel who knowing, who is Ein, let Yanek go out with him, what means that Ein during, that night can collect more information about Yanek, which could destroy his future life. Diesel could not allow this, but he only looking silent, that police collects informations about Yanek.
    That's not fair. We can not like Yanek, but he helped Diesel, risks his life for him and made his life better. He deserves to know, that he is in dangerous and he should disapeare for some time. Diesel not has to say him true about Ein, but he should tell him about bugs and that he is in dangerous.
    Diesel choose being passive, so he will be responsible for what happens in Yanek future. Diesel has choice to protects in this same time Yanek and Ein, but he not does it and still staying in Yanek home as his lover and let him think, that he is honest with him.

    Diesel is really unfair here. Yanek trys protect him, Ein trys protect him, but he doesn't do anything to protect Yanek or even tell him, that he is in dangerous and are bugs in his house.
    Yanek and Ein are fair and i like them both, but
    Diesel is disingenuous here and i lost my sympathy for him.

    tilted human January 29, 2019 10:13 pm
    So far Diesel has not made a choice. The scenario you are describing, where he remains by Yanek's side sill protecting Ein has not happened yet, and maybe it won't happen. Maybe Diesel would protect Ein's secr... Yojam

    Then tell me why Diesel can just say, that he feels someone scen in their house and finds bugs,? He not have to say him about Ein, but he can let him know, that he is in dangerous and not let him go with Ein, that night to Ein has more possibility to collects evidences against him? He's just passive. Diesel has occasion to does it.
    Ein doesn't tell his boss about Diesel, Yaneknrisks his life for him and wonder about killing Ein to keeps Diesel secret. That what doing people, who carrying about you. But Diesel knowing true and consequences is silent and giving in this same time agreement on whatever happend to Yanek. Yanek deserves on something more from Diesel.
    That's really look like Diesel is just calculeted.

    Yanek isn.'t important for Diesel, cause he not protects him. He has possibility to keeps Ein secretor even wsrning him and in this same time protects Yanek, but he not chooses this option. That' s sad.

    strangenight January 29, 2019 10:25 pm
    You summarized my message perfectly Yojam

    Diesel has possibility to keep Ein secret and protects Yanek in this same time. Diesel can not love Yanek, but for what he done for him, he should say him about dangerous, that he should just disappear for some time.
    Diesel doesn't have to choose between Yanek and Ein live.
    Diesel also had occasion to warn Yanek about this. He can protect both Yanek and Ein, but he passivly watches like Yanek is bringing down by others and in this same time live with him as lover.
    Seriously Diesel behavior here is awful.

    Sakura January 29, 2019 10:59 pm
    Diesel has possibility to keep Ein secret and protects Yanek in this same time. Diesel can not love Yanek, but for what he done for him, he should say him about dangerous, that he should just disappear for some... strangenight

    Diesel kind of does have to choose between their lives, because Diesel is around Yanek and knows how he is. He is a man with a bit of a violent streak, and more than likely would take Ein out in an instant if he found him to be a threat to him.

    For Yanek, if everything went right it would have been jail time and after that Yanek could live his life if he does not get that long of a sentence, but for Ein it would have been death. And Diesel would have blood on his hands of a man who was the first to comfort him, who showed him care fpr his well-being and kindness, who protected him from the cops, and who saved his (and Yanek's too) life. He really can't win either way tbh. He can't save both unfortunately. It's kind of a tough situation imo.

    Yojam January 29, 2019 11:03 pm

    To @strangenight and @tilted human, I will answer without quoting anyone in particular because your messages are similar

    If you count the numeber of thing Yanek did to help Diesel (saving from the rapist, making him a good fighter,giving him a feeling of safety), he will win aganst Ein.
    But in the matter of feeling quality is more importante than numbers. After being separated from his father, Diesel received kindness only from Yanek and Ein which puts them on the same level, because If you lived in total darkness for a long time, when you finally see light, it doesn't matter if the sources of light aren't shining equally and one is brighter than another, you are just thankfull that they exist.

    Diesel could/sould/must have esposed Ein's secret after ch 50, but in the same chapter Ein showed that he is interested in Diesel's well-being, whiche brings us back to the main point of my post:he is hesitating because his loyality is divited between two people who have showed him kindnes, he is taking his time maybe because he wants to save both of them (it is something I would have done, if I were diesel) Did you see his conflicted expressione at the last panel?At least give him enought time to make up his mind. People could say he is being indecisive, but not that he is double-faced, passive and a villain

    strangenight January 29, 2019 11:16 pm
    To @strangenight and @tilted human, I will answer without quoting anyone in particular because your messages are similarIf you count the numeber of thing Yanek did to help Diesel (saving from the rapist, making... Yojam

    Nooo, cause Diesel doesn't have to choose between Yanek and Ein live. He has possibility to protects both. He can keep Ein secret and yet in this same protect Yanek from spying. You talk like only possibility was Yanek or Ein life, but it's not true.
    He still doing nothing to protect Yanek from danger. It's like he just doesn't care about him at all. And i don't agree with you again. On this point of story, where we are Yanek deserves much more from Diesel. Diesel not has to say him about Ein, but he can says him about for example:
    1. Bugs in their house
    2. Someone else scent is in house, so someone intuding here
    3 He should hidden on some time.
    4. He shoudn't go with Ein cause some reson (to not allows Ein collects more informations about him, since he knows, that he's poluceman)
    5. He hears talk os some policman close to house, etc...

    Diesel can do something to protects Yanek without telling him about Ein, but he choose passive and let police brings Yanek down. Yanek deserves from him much more. Last chapters shows Diesel in really bad light.

    strangenight January 29, 2019 11:18 pm
    Nooo, cause Diesel doesn't have to choose between Yanek and Ein live. He has possibility to protects both. He can keep Ein secret and yet in this same protect Yanek from spying. You talk like only possibility w... strangenight

    ...and he still staying with him, leting bealive him, that he is his honest lover and Yanek can trust him #-.-)

    strangenight January 29, 2019 11:23 pm
    Diesel kind of does have to choose between their lives, because Diesel is around Yanek and knows how he is. He is a man with a bit of a violent streak, and more than likely would take Ein out in an instant if h... Sakura

    He doesn't have to chooses, he has possibility to protect them both, but he not doing it.

    And btw for Diesel also right would be 25 years in jail or more for killing many people and being criminal. But a lot people use here double standard towards Yanek and Diesel crimes
    If Diesel doesn't do anything, then he will have Yanek blood on his hands, he not even has to choose between Yanek and Ein live, he only must stop being passive, but he choose not...

    Yojam January 29, 2019 11:54 pm
    Nooo, cause Diesel doesn't have to choose between Yanek and Ein live. He has possibility to protects both. He can keep Ein secret and yet in this same protect Yanek from spying. You talk like only possibility w... strangenight

    Diesel has not had the possibility to say all of this to Yanek yet, because he only came back home later, but than there is the fighting scene.
    Diesel can be evasive in saying there is a mole but do you think a control freak like Yanek whould not probe until Diesel caves and reveals Ein's name?I love Diesel to bits, but he is a simpletom compared to a master mind like Yanek. If ch 51 tranlation is right, my analisis of Diesel charachter is correct. Yanek asked if Diesel didn't know anything about Ein, he said no but Yanek doesn't seem convinced.
    The possibility is:
    -Diesel does not know how to lie well
    -yanek is being paranoid
    -both option are right

    Fo me not telling Yanek anything was the right choice. But it does not mean Diesel will sit back and won't do anything while Yanek goes towards his defeat. Diesel could speak to Ein and warn him that he can't go near Yanek anymore otherwise he will be obbligated to harm him. But it take times to make a decision, especially if your loyality is divited.

    strangenight January 30, 2019 12:14 am
    Diesel has not had the possibility to say all of this to Yanek yet, because he only came back home later, but than there is the fighting scene.Diesel can be evasive in saying there is a mole but do you think a ... Yojam

    You don't have right here. He has possibility. He looks throw window like Yanek and Ein sgoing out together from his house. Thay was moment to make decission. He was in juman form, he could run that before he leave he must says something important him.

    That during his absense were two unknonn policeman, who cheeks bugs in his house and talking about Yanek drugs deliver. That they knows about these a lot.
    Yanek is smart man. He would hidden for some time and not put himself on so big risk, since police about him so much. Maybe he would leave Berlin, but he would be save. Diesel doesn't have to say him anything about Ein. Diesel would save him in that way and woudn't be in any debets towards h
    im anymore. Diesel had this chance...

    Yanek isn't control freak and he carrying about Diesel, that's why what diesel does is wrong. Diesel can disapear in one moment and run from Yanek after telling him true. He has this possibility.
    Yanek deserved be saved by Diesel for Yanek made for him, then he can do whatever he want.
    But cause he didn't do this, he's dishonest and unloyal towards Yanek. He not have to choose between Ein and Yanek life.

    Yojam January 30, 2019 1:03 am

    Lets analyze the time laps:
    A-ein leaves the house
    B- - it' night and Diesel transform back to human
    C-yanek and Ein return to the house and fight the bad guy
    D- dawn breaks and Diesel reverts to dog form

    From B to C it' the only moment when Diesel could go to Yanek, so approximately he has 12 hours. But you have to take away the time in which Diesel was held as an hostage, and it' likely he was torturated so Diesel had approximately 8 hours to overcome his confusion, make up his mind and make a choice which benefits both party, and if something goes wrong he will be responsible for someone death.
    if I were in him I would hope to go to sleep and not wake up anymore

    strangenight January 30, 2019 1:31 am
    Lets analyze the time laps:A-ein leaves the houseB- - it' night and Diesel transform back to humanC-yanek and Ein return to the house and fight the bad guyD- dawn breaks and Diesel reverts to dog formFrom B to ... Yojam

    Diesel known long time, that someone spying Yanek amd Ein lying. He has a lot time to thinks about this. Also is like year.or more, since Yanek finds Diesel. He jas time to recover and be stronger. He made his own decission like not saying.Yanek true. We can't whole time treat him lile child.
    People who cares about other can make decision quick like:
    -Ein, when decides not telling his boss true about Diesel.
    -Yanek who defenless runing to find and help Diesel
    -Diesel runing to Ein in Soul to save him
    But this are things, what you are doing, when you actually cares, or even love someone.
    Diesel looking throw window how Ein and Yanek going out together. That Yanek again going with spy who has now great opurtunity to collects more evidence against Yanek and does nothing to prevent him from this. It's shows the best Diesel true feelings toward Yanek and his character.
    He could run to Yanek and says him that he must told him something importnat. Yanek wasn't in home like 2 days and this during time polce vistits his house and cheeks moles and talking about his drugs deliver.

    Yanek wouldn't be suspission if he would hear this from Diesel, not just must assume alone after attack, that Diesel not telling him everything, what is actually true. Diesel has opurtunity to save Yanek without explose Ein secrets. That he would stay after this with Yanek would be his own decission, couse he's able to do this.

    Yanek made for Diesel a lot and carrying about him, so he deserves from him at last hearing about threatening him danger.
    Cause Diesel staying passive, living with him and do nothing to protect him, he gives in that way silent agreement on whatever happen in future to Yanek. These are reasons why some people don't like Diesel.
    His behavior here is wrongun, fair, dishonest and maybe even calculeted.

    Sakura January 30, 2019 1:52 am
    You don't have right here. He has possibility. He looks throw window like Yanek and Ein sgoing out together from his house. Thay was moment to make decission. He was in juman form, he could run that before he l... strangenight

    Look back at ch 50 again. Ein left alone, he met Yanek at whatever the place they were supposed to meet. Diesel did not have the time to tell Yanek. The guys outside, were more than likely not policemen and are more than likely related to the Chinese mafia. The house is not bugged, they are observing what is going on from the outside.

    Before the day he got attacked, Diesel had no idea or had any kind of proof that Ein was an undercover cop. He only knew that he smelled like lies, but did not know what.

    It is too late now, for him to save both. Because Ein kind of blew his cover to save them and Yanek is now on to him. Even if Diesel is honest with Yanek in the next chapter, Yanek is not going to run to Berlin or anywhere.