❄❄ŠnoẅFlares❄❄ January 27, 2019 12:41 pm

Tell me the weirdest things that have happened to you, or like when you're too dazed that you made a silly mistakes~ (Funny or not, spill it!)

Me: I only had like an hour of sleep that day, then when I was washing the dishes I UNCONSCIOUSLY threw the spoon and fork in the trash for the leftover dishes rather than the dishes itself.

    MarketPlace January 27, 2019 12:58 pm

    Weirdiest thing? I rate everything I do weird...but there was this one day, during middle school at lunch. I was talking with this boy, and it was a subject that was making him give off sad vibes. I was a bit spacey (I think my period was coming up or something or I was high on yaoi) and I just kissed his cheek. It was actually a moment that I'll have to remember forever. His reaction, my reaction, how I cried in the bathroom and during P.E because I thought he'll tell the principle xD During the like..short 2 second kiss on the cheek I thought the world froze lmao. Gosh...

    Nother story on how I skipped school because I didn't want to do P.E :P

    So it was my lunch break, after lunch I have my 5th period which was P.E. I hate/hated doing it. So- out of the "fun" things I decided to do, I jokinly asked my friends (love em to death) if I should skip. They said yea (they also hate P.E) and so I'm like "Should I jump the fence?" and there like "Yea!!" and I'm like...Imma do it! So- there is a little field area, and if you keep running straight to the fence, you'll go outside the school, and like a few runs over is a crosswalk. I hated running and I'm quite slow, but I will have to actually RUN so the security guard wouldn't catch me.. So, before the bell rung, I said goodbye to my friends, hugged them (lil kiss on there hands uwu) and once the bell rung, I started running, books and papers in my backpack and all, I dashed towards the fence, I heard people laughing, prob cause a potato was trying to escape the pot, I made it to the fence, I'm panting, Im excited, I never skipped school before. I climb the fence, which was wet from the fucking idiotic rain.I grasbed those mother fucking square triangle shits and started climbing. Once reaching the other side, I slipped from the weight from my backpack and fell onto the other side of the wet ground, hurting my hands from the impact. I got up, waved to my friends for a quick second, then dipped to the crosswalk, then went to the libary. I then met up with my brother (he also skipped, he does it way more then me) and we went to dollar tree, and where I- I was a really bad girl that day ok, but I'm usually a good girl- stole a few candy bars.

    Whewsh. I got in trouble when I got back but it was a fun laugh with my friends! It was a really weird and fun experience. Tingles all over my body!

    girl January 27, 2019 1:43 pm


    ❄❄ŠnoẅFlares❄❄ January 27, 2019 2:04 pm
    Weirdiest thing? I rate everything I do weird...but there was this one day, during middle school at lunch. I was talking with this boy, and it was a subject that was making him give off sad vibes. I was a bit s... MarketPlace

    BWAHAHAHAH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING! That was adorable and admiring at the same time xD I'm usually like not friend personally to guys (which I dunno why, maybe 'cuz I got used to girls) but wow, what you did made me laugh~ <3

    "A potato was trying to escape the pot" -This line is adorable BWAHAHAHA ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    ❄❄ŠnoẅFlares❄❄ January 27, 2019 2:04 pm

    OMG ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    NekoNani January 27, 2019 3:11 pm

    Not the weirdest thing but it's up there lol....I was dating this guy and he went to the bathroom to take a shower. I hear the shower turn on and I had to ask him something (can't remember what) so since I thought he was behind the curtain already I knock and open the door and there he is, ass spread wide and he's shaving his butt over the toilet. For like a whole 10 seconds, we're both standing there like a deer in headlights, when I finally process what's in front of me I slam the door. Both of our faces beet red. Here said it makes it easier to clean when he shits, but it was still weird to walk into lol. We didn't date long after that. He was weird

    Usui January 27, 2019 3:20 pm

    I like to act. I’m one of those people who talks to myself when I’m alone, so when I’m driving by myself or walking by myself, i flail my arms around, exxagerating every word that comes out of my mouth. Thought it was fun, but my neighbor didnt think so (/TДT)/

    Langchimaple January 27, 2019 3:38 pm

    One evening, I woke up after a nap and went to pee without my glasses ( I'm myopic and I become almost blind without them ). I peed and after peeing I splashed water on my vagina with a bathroom mug and trust me, it felt like my vagina was slowly melting under acid, it started stinging.
    It took me few seconds to realize that the mug was filled with hundreds of fucking ants drowning (no glasses=no vision) and there were like other hundred ants holding on to my vagina's skin with their fucking mouths.I felt a wave of goosebumps passing over my whole body and had to control myself SOOOOOOOO much from screaming and running outside naked with my underwear above my ankles.
    I hand washed my V like crazy for like 5 minutes straight and made sure to flush every ant to death .....
    Another weird thing which my teacher did, he took out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat but to our horror, he had brought his daughter's underwear instead I really miss that old man