The order of the thing is weird. So the last story chronologically occurred first when Lucifer was younger and before he lost his eye, the first story is a time skip when Lucifer no longer is on the front lines and he meets the prostitute that resembles his brother. It'd make a bit more sense if u read the entire (loosely related) series.
1 Koutetsu no Daitenshi [Ch.4-5] Colonel Michel x Hans
2 Datenshi ni Sasageru Uta - Kurt x Heinz // Alfred x Haru
3 Datenshi ni Sasageru Uta dj - Family Visit
4 Doutei Saizensen - Samuel x Bosch
5 Datenshi dj - Harem Nights - 4 Pairs from 1-4
6 Bed no Shita no Himitsu
An someone explain the 1st story to me I’m confused