Why does the sister look like a psycho? And Zi-nan seems like the classic uke... pushing t...

Anon_aug January 25, 2019 4:03 pm

Why does the sister look like a psycho? And Zi-nan seems like the classic uke... pushing the seme away while proclaiming his love... sigh... this paradox just doesn’t fit any storyline. It’s actually annoying. however this yaoi trope has been used innumerable times and is still being used. Clearly the sister knew abt his one night stand and pursued the seme with some motive in her mind. Does she want to ruin her brother in some way or is she trying to get her brother and the seme together? I hope it’s the latter. Too many yaoi’s have been spoiled by showing the women as bitchy. I like it when yaoi’s show the considerate women. Only time will tell... can’t wait.. plz keep the translations coming. Good work scanlation team. The translations are clean and the language is understandable & storyline is fluid unlike some other translations where you can’t make the head or tail of the storyline.

    lei January 25, 2019 4:41 pm

    I think she is... either she likes really the guy or her brother... but i choose her brother

    Nitrogenix January 25, 2019 5:46 pm

    Jealousy is an very ugly asset to have

    Anon_aug January 25, 2019 6:52 pm
    I think she is... either she likes really the guy or her brother... but i choose her brother lei

    That’s what I don’t understand. If she likes her brother or the guy, why put them in proximity to eachother. Wouldn’t it have been wiser to let things be the way they were? I think there’s some other motive that’s yet to be clear.
    But I don’t think she likes the guy at all... she approached him after knowing he was with her brother for sure. I can feel it that she absolutely abhors him.

    Anon_aug January 25, 2019 6:58 pm
    Jealousy is an very ugly asset to have Nitrogenix

    What kind of jealousy? The romantic kind? I hope not. Her brother is gay & she knows it now. She cannot have him.. for one.. he’s gay.. and second.. she’s his sister. I don’t think it’s romantic at all... I think it’s obsession that someone that was hers can be claimed by another person or setting him on the right path (maybe). But then again her actions don’t make sense. Maybe she wants to create a deep distrust by putting them together & manipulating the situation in such a manner that they hate eachother or something. Her motive is yet to be clear.

    lei January 26, 2019 12:47 pm
    That’s what I don’t understand. If she likes her brother or the guy, why put them in proximity to eachother. Wouldn’t it have been wiser to let things be the way they were? I think there’s some other mo... Anon_aug

    Well if she psycho who is twisted... i think she will love to see they suffer specially when she thinks her brother not telling her all... or when she know that the guy love her brother than her, then might as well let him suffer with their relationship.. but all of this is purely my assumption and purely cause by may imaginative mind