Lazy Potato January 23, 2019 3:42 pm

Uhhhh ┗( T﹏T )┛
I cant sleep! I've been trying for the past two hours.
How did I fall asleep last night? (/TДT)/

    L E A H January 23, 2019 3:59 pm

    Hope these helps...These are my ways-
    1.)close your eyes and fantasize your favorite ship doing something *Lenny* or literally, anything doesn't have to be lewd
    2.)Read a boring book. For me, my textbooks are enough to make me yawn in a sec b4 opening it.
    3.) Try asmrs
    4.) Take a stretch and have something to cuddle in a comfy position

    YuzukiMikage January 23, 2019 4:13 pm


    Lazy Potato January 23, 2019 5:15 pm

    Woah (≧∀≦)
    Do ya guys do that?

    Im already sleepy and my eyes just want to close but my mind is so... Alive(?) ( ̄∇ ̄")

    tayy January 23, 2019 5:58 pm

    Try white noise. Like, put it on your phone or something, it'll help you relax. Idk, it works for me.

    Felete January 24, 2019 3:33 am

    Look up Sleep Hygiene techniques for more in depth instructions but my job with the military for a while was to help soldiers sleep better so here goes a few tips.

    1.) Have a routine. - It works for kids, it still works for adults. Set yourself up the same routine for every night. Your body and mind form habits. You can set it to form healthy habits like brushing your teeth-> light stretching -> sleep. The more you do this the better it works. The key to sleep hygiene is patience and repetition.

    2.) Set a filter for blue light on your technology. The light that is given off by cellphones, computers, and TV screens messes with the production of melatonin. This in turn messes with a persons ability to get good quality sleep. There are filters available that turn off this blue light f.lux is one of these.

    3.) Do only two things in your bed. Sleep and sex. In that the body/mind form habits if you watch movies/listen to music/read etc. in your bed you tell your brain and body that your bed is the place to do those things. Its the same reason why people think better in the shower or work better at a desk. You've trained your brain that that it what it is suppose to do in those situations.

    4.) One habit that people form that is always a killer is thinking in bed. Its an easy habit to from and ITS A TRAP! If you lie in bed and allow yourself to continue to think about why you can't sleep/what you have to do tomorrow/that manga you just read you are reinforcing the idea that your bed is a place for thinking. If you are in bed for 15 minutes and still not asleep you should get up and do something relaxing. Stretch, listen to music, read a boring book. Once you feel sleepy again go back to bed and try to sleep again. Rinse and repeat for however long it takes. Eventually it will break your brain of thinking in bed.

    Lazy Potato January 24, 2019 12:50 pm
    Hello, Look up Sleep Hygiene techniques for more in depth instructions but my job with the military for a while was to help soldiers sleep better so here goes a few tips.1.) Have a routine. - It works for kids,... Felete

    1- yes I know... But im an impatient person but Ill try to make my routine
    2- I kind of get sleepy when the lights are one .. Is that different?
    3- I dont have a bed. I have blankets, no own room, I sleep together with my cousins..aaanndd Im underaged so of course no sex (≧∀≦)
    4- IM TRAPPED!

    THANK YOU for taking your time writing this (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ