Now Junta is my kind of seme. Brutally going after the people wanting to hurt the person h...

Anon_aug January 22, 2019 2:13 pm

Now Junta is my kind of seme. Brutally going after the people wanting to hurt the person he loves. Not succumbing to manipulation. Though the uke proved to be the proverbial ‘classic uke’ in this case... being manipulated so easily. Tokata disappointed me. But the seme was the star for me. Strong & decisive.. not letting people dictate terms for him.
The reverse plan he pulled & got not only himself but Tokata out of the quandary was just amazing. And thank you for no cheating. Had Tokata been raped by that other guy in his sleep or if Junta had slept with Yuri.. it would have spoiled it for me badly. So keep up the good work Junta Azumaya. Keep it up. And great job mangaka.. thumbs up.

    Rex April 8, 2019 7:19 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! clairemaria

    He is scary , I wouldn't mess with Either Takato or Junta if I were in their universe