Looking for a title

Sjdhc January 22, 2019 12:06 am

heyy, i am looking for this manga, i can only remember some parts so please bear with me. boy 1 has always had a troubled face even when sleeping and sometimes he gets in trouble because of that but boy 2 is nice to him once and since then he fell in love. they meet again in university (perhaps after 5 years) and boy 1 confesses to boy 2 and they start dating. After they start having sez boy 1 is not really satisfied but doesn't tell boy 2. that is about all i remember. and boy 1 once gets angry at boy 2 because it was their anniversary (?) but boy 2 spent it together with his friends. his friends then ask them if they could watch them go at it.

I think maybe boy 1 is black haired and the other blonde.

Sorry this is all i remember! Thank you!!
