Advice for my confession?

Ami~ January 20, 2019 11:00 am

I honestly don't know how to articulate myself well but I really wanted to ask,

how do people get used to loving themselves?
how do they fight the constant whispers in their head?
I'm not crazy, or maybe I am but I look sane at least.

I've been told that I'm pretty expressionless at times, like an ice queen or robot.
I've also been told that I can have so many expressions that its appalling
I've also been told by majority of the people that I know that I can be cruel and unforgiving to everyone. Even my best friend has cried once and told me that I can be pretty heartless and mean to those that I consider dear.

not to say that I'm a saint or anything but I really hate myself.
To the bottom depths of my heart, and I can't get over that.
I'm 19 currently and I've been contemplating so many things.
I tend to take things at face value and I take people seriously when they talk to me. That may mean that I am pretty gullible and can be fooled easily but I honestly wish that people would sometimes not think that I'm this confident, stoic ice queen that looks down on them because in actual reality, I have social anxiety.

I really don't know how to approach anyone without tearing up and my hands shaking, even with my closest friends, whenever I see them from afar, I contemplate actually approaching them to say hi and then I just never do it.

I don't know what to do but I feel like I've been living a lie for so long that its just eating me up inside.
I've dug myself into a grave that i don't know how to get out of.

Thanks for reading this, comment however you like on it. I want some raw honest advice.

    J.G. January 20, 2019 11:25 am

    Have you maybe tried talking to someone? Or maybe telling them exactly what you have written here?
    Just a thought but loving yourself takes time, someone can’t just tell you to start suddenly loving yourself. You need to maybe start finding yourself or surround yourself with people that could maybe understand or help you in some way. Maybe as a starting point try to think positive of yourself. Having hatred towards yourself won’t do you anything.
    It must be really hard with what you are going through but having someone who knows what is happening right now in your life can be a big weight lifted off your shoulders. It would mean in a way that you ain’t alone. Btw. being serious at times can be a good thing not always but it can.
    But that’s just my opinion though lmao

    Secret Me January 20, 2019 11:29 am

    Just be yourself.

    Syndala January 20, 2019 11:30 am

    I'm sorry, I can't really relate to the social anxiety part. But If you want advice from someone who used to look in the mirror and wanted to claw away her skin and nearly cried in selfloathing I will try:-) Start with a lie and turn it into reality. Stand in Front of the mirror, straighten your bag puff your chest out take your shoulders bag and give the mirror your most convincing "I am the baddest bitch in town and everyone who tells me differently is just jealous"-stare. How breath deep and savor this image. Everytime you feel anxiety, take a deep breath and make an effort to straighten your back. One day it will become an automatism. Until then: Stay strong and push trough:-)

    rose January 20, 2019 3:24 pm

    I have social anxiety.
    It really helped me to study stoicism. Like the proper philosophy.
    Essentially, it boils down to you can't truely control 99% of life. Not the weather, political movements, your physical circumstances, when you will die, whether someone likes you or not...etc. etc. Etc. So why worry about all that?
    But what you can control is your reaction to circumstances.
    It's your free will that can lead to your contentment.

    It's all about perspective.
    If it rains, instead of lamenting that its raining, you can choose to go inside or to wear a raincoat.
    If the political environment is divisive, you have the option to choose a side and fight or not.
    If someone doesn't like you, there is very little you can physically do to change their mind. You can however, change your behavior to make yourself more likable, or at very least, less offensive.

    Likewise, If you don't like yourself, you can choose to improve yourself. Change your behavior to make you more likable to yourself, or at very least, less offensive. You have that absolute right.

    Its all about recognising your choices, pursuing the ones you feel most comfortable with and accepting the consequences of those choices. This is life. You just have to see it like that. Change your perspective.

    What is it you don't like about yourself? Can you change it? How can you change? Do you want to really? Is it really that bad in the grand scheme of things? If you can't change it, can you accept it? None of us are perfect, so can you accept your imperfections? Really analyze and know yourself as best as you can. Your core. What matters to you. What doesn't even though you think it should. Accept yourself as you are now. This is you, with all your flaws. And then look forward to growing into who you want to be.

    I am a coward. I couldn't speak to normal people face to face. Conversation always seems to go above or around me and i can't keep up. I felt, foolish and slow and a bother. I dreaded speaking to people, even though i felt i wanted to belong. That ice queen thing you mentioned feels really familiar.
    So I researched how to hold a conversation. Read books. Took a public speaking class. Found a group of like minded people so it was easier to follow the conversation. And I'm a better conversationalist now. I improved myself.
    I'm still a coward. There's lots of things besides conversation that paralyze me with fear. And I hate that about myself, but I am better.
    It was a matter of research, practice and a change of environment.
    I can improve myself. I have that control over myself if little else in life.
    And you do too.

    Maybe you'll just skip all this and write it off as inspirational mumbo jumbo. And that's fine. We all find our own path in life.
    If you take nothing else away, know this: You're Not Alone. Keep Fighting.

    Ro-chan January 20, 2019 3:36 pm

    You are quite similar to me but my social anxiety is way milder.I think the best option is to talk to a therapist but if u don't want to do that for now, taking up hobbies that are social like a book club or a sports class can be helpful.also try to make others happy by sharing a joke u read yesterday or just compliment them,it makes both of u feel good.also cut from ur internet time each day,it has ben proved to make u anxious.U can overcome this sadness,don't worry :)

    Ami~ October 17, 2019 4:59 pm
    I have social anxiety. It really helped me to study stoicism. Like the proper philosophy.Essentially, it boils down to you can't truely control 99% of life. Not the weather, political movements, your physical c... rose

    Thank you so much! ╥﹏╥

    Ami~ October 17, 2019 6:33 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Anonymouse

    You're so cool. You're awesome. I feel so lucky to have read this today. I'm gonna put what you said into practice cuz I've always been scared of rejection cuz I know whe I'm being used but I never speak up against it cuz I have such few friends. Thank you so much for this and I hope you are also able to get your dream job and succeed at it so much that you won't even wanna die anymore. As for now, the things/people I live for are my mum and my best friends. Hope is the one thing that I always want to be able to have at the end of the day. Even if I know all is futile, thank you so much for your advice, you're too kind. ╥﹏╥

    pigglypoof October 18, 2019 12:00 am

    If multiple people have told you that you're cruel and heartless, then you need to take a good look at your words and actions. What have you said that has hurt others? How have you said it? Maybe these people just happen to be incredibly sensitive, but it could be that you are incredibly unaware of the things that you are doing and saying.

    I also have a bit of social anxiety and I find it's easiest to manage when I have at least one good friend with me. I don't know if this would work in your case as my anxiety is much milder than yours.

    On that note, I highly suggest you seek professional help if you can. Hating yourself to the extent that you do is not normal and could be signs of a bigger problem at hand.