I was not ready for this.

Galobin January 19, 2019 4:12 pm

I've heard that this was a roller coaster of emotions but gudammmm. I'm at the chapter 30s and I gotta stop and breath and take out that shaky breath for every damn second of every panel. When I read something, I always put myself into the characters shoes but this time it hurts so bad. I know that feel of a not-so-good mental health and having bad relationships. Trust me, I've been there but guuuddaammm THINGS JUST WENT SO LOW AND NOBODY IS HELPING HIM. I wanna continue cause its a really really good story and I know there's gonna be a light in the end but seriously its now scarily affecting me too.

    hataki January 27, 2019 6:09 am

    honestly, neither guys treat him right by the end of it.