She blocked for telling her she blocked someone who supports her on lezhin. Wow I am gonna...

Yumoyumo January 19, 2019 3:14 am

She blocked for telling her she blocked someone who supports her on lezhin. Wow I am gonna stop supporting her on lezhin and discontinue reading it.

    assanon January 19, 2019 4:00 am

    K, bye (●'◡'●)ノ

    Yujin90 January 19, 2019 4:22 am

    Maybe her translation problem

    Yumoyumo January 19, 2019 5:04 am
    Maybe her translation problem Yujin90

    I don’t think so. I wasn’t even rude. I wrote a very polite formal message. She just blocked me. I even paid for coins to buy her series. Why would she be so mean to her fan who supports her? I will stop for that reason.

    Yumoyumo January 19, 2019 5:08 am
    K, bye (●'◡'●)ノ assanon

    Bye! but don’t be so salty if you are on mangago ok. Or mingwa will send you flying to Jupiter.

    Bluebubbles421 January 19, 2019 5:11 am
    Bye! but don’t be so salty if you are on mangago ok. Or mingwa will send you flying to Jupiter. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Yumoyumo

    Yumoyumo January 19, 2019 5:18 am
    Maybe her translation problem Yujin90

    Besides, I just told her you blocked people who support you through lezhin on the twitter private chat. I just said that and she blocked me.

    Yujin90 January 19, 2019 6:39 am
    Besides, I just told her you blocked people who support you through lezhin on the twitter private chat. I just said that and she blocked me. Yumoyumo

    But when I see her Twitter I don't see mingwa open private chat but tbh, she's the super arrogant one

    AlamoAndy January 19, 2019 7:24 am

    Dude what's wrong with you? You're basically harassing her. She can block whoever she wants, and you can go. Why are you here if you don't like her and you're not reading anymore? People who support her don't tell her to let us read her manhwa for free, they just buy the manhwa and go on with their lives. If a manhwa author deciding to ignore you on Twitter is the biggest thing you have going on in your life to be indignant about, you have a good life. Seriously, you're just one reader, get over yourself. She obviously blocked you not caring that you would probably stop buying, that's how little you're worth to her.

    Anonymouslyanonymous January 19, 2019 7:35 am

    She blocked someone for pointing out why free sites are "good".
    They technically aren't. They said they do buy and support her but they were also pointing out "benefits" to free sites that basically rip the chapters and post for free. Even if she is supporting her she's also supporting her basically getting no money from free sites. I see why she's upset. No one wants to hear "good points" to free sites. For the author, there aren't.
    You harrassing her about her blocking people is just unnecessary really. Viewing it from her side it makes it seem as if you were defending the person in question's stance on free sites.

    Also, there was absolutely no point for the person to tell her to let people read her manhwa for free (even if they support her by buying it) and there was absolutely no point in you defending that person as well.

    It's just cringey and unnecessary

    "let us read your hard work for free" wtf seriously? So cringey to even read someone actually told her that.

    AlamoAndy January 19, 2019 7:39 am
    She blocked someone for pointing out why free sites are "good".They technically aren't. They said they do buy and support her but they were also pointing out "benefits" to free sites that basically rip the chap... Anonymouslyanonymous

    Perfectly said! Your comment was way nicer than mine and explained everything well.

    AlamoAndy January 19, 2019 7:44 am
    But when I see her Twitter I don't see mingwa open private chat but tbh, she's the super arrogant one Yujin90

    The hypocrisy! You're reading for free and yet you think the author is in the wrong? You're the arrogant one, thinking the world should just be handed over to you because "oh no! How else will I live if I can't read BJ Alex?!"

    Anonymouslyanonymous January 19, 2019 7:46 am
    Perfectly said! Your comment was way nicer than mine and explained everything well. AlamoAndy

    Just stating facts at this point and what everyone is thinking LOL.

    It's one of the reasons why I only translate as text and not over the manhwa. That way people can buy the raws and read along with my translations.

    I mean we're all here anyway since this platform enables everyone to be able to chat with each other. But no one here is telling the author why free sites "are AMAZING" *sarcasm*

    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    jagv January 19, 2019 9:01 am
    Dude what's wrong with you? You're basically harassing her. She can block whoever she wants, and you can go. Why are you here if you don't like her and you're not reading anymore? People who support her don't t... AlamoAndy

    The fuck dude? I just told her you are mistaken the people who support you and the people who don’t. She blocked me for that and I don’t give a shit if she did but it left a bad impression. As an author, You are supposed to handle things like the grown up adult you are. Blocking is the most childish thing you can do especially when the person isn’t rude or isn’t going against her decision. It’s understandable that she is mad about it and I feel her anger and I told her that but nope she blocked. Why the fuck did you have to make it sound like it inflicted me so personally? Cuz Honestly I just laughed after she blocked me. Like I am a penny writer myself trying to get my work published so I can I make a living but here I am, struggling just like her.

    jagv January 19, 2019 9:12 am
    She blocked someone for pointing out why free sites are "good".They technically aren't. They said they do buy and support her but they were also pointing out "benefits" to free sites that basically rip the chap... Anonymouslyanonymous

    No one even said that. Also this isn’t dictatorship. Be flexible. She saw my comment. Ok she didn’t fully understand agree whatever it is. Blocking isn’t necessary and isn’t the best choice either. It’s quit childish actually. So my point was this part not whether to read it for free or not cuz I didn’t even argue with that and actually agree with her at a certain point. Try to differentiate.

    Ass January 19, 2019 9:15 am
    The fuck dude? I just told her you are mistaken the people who support you and the people who don’t. She blocked me for that and I don’t give a shit if she did but it left a bad impression. As an author, Yo... jagv

    Why would you do that? She's blocking the people who think it's okay to have illegal sites up, blocking is a right given by twitter. How old are you? Not everyone can be dealt with nor do they deserve to be dealt with, so you block the idiots or the toxic ones. That's not childish, that's handling things like an adult who doesn't have time for bullshit. What you're doing is childish, complaining about someone blocking you, acting as if you're the one who's been wronged; you're obviously upset enough about it to come here to complain and say you're dropping the series. Who cares if you're a writer? Do you decide what all other writers should feel about illegal readers? Again, get over yourself, you are not the world. You don't get to decide how someone should react to you; what's with fans thinking they have a right to control artists?

    Ass January 19, 2019 9:18 am
    No one even said that. Also this isn’t dictatorship. Be flexible. She saw my comment. Ok she didn’t fully understand agree whatever it is. Blocking isn’t necessary and isn’t the best choice either. It�... jagv

    The original person who got blocked argued for the author to see the benefits of illegal sites - that's so idiotic, they deserved to be blocked. Blocking is there for a reason, and that person, regardless of being one of the ones who buy legally, made the author angry enough to block them.

    jagv January 19, 2019 9:31 am
    Why would you do that? She's blocking the people who think it's okay to have illegal sites up, blocking is a right given by twitter. How old are you? Not everyone can be dealt with nor do they deserve to be dea... Ass

    Wtf? I have no desire to control or manipulate anyone. Like you said you are not the one to decide how someone should react to you. She doesn’t decide for me on how I react to the situation so stop asking me why I did it. I did it to try to clearify a misunderstanding. Cut the bullshit, there was nothing I said to her that was offensive. It is childish thing to do. Ignoring me was the best thing she could have done. Upset? On one thing and one thing only and that’s her exaggerated attitude toward what I said.

    jagv January 19, 2019 9:35 am
    The original person who got blocked argued for the author to see the benefits of illegal sites - that's so idiotic, they deserved to be blocked. Blocking is there for a reason, and that person, regardless of be... Ass

    Except there is multiple people who didn’t argue you that and yet she blocked them meaning she is letting her anger get all best out of her. Which is not good manners wise. Because now she getting angry at people how done no wrong to her and didn’t argue with her points.

    Anonymouslyanonymous January 19, 2019 9:35 am
    No one even said that. Also this isn’t dictatorship. Be flexible. She saw my comment. Ok she didn’t fully understand agree whatever it is. Blocking isn’t necessary and isn’t the best choice either. It�... jagv

    Read the comments. The person admitted even on here in already doing so. Like complaining on mangago would get them unblocked. ¬_¬

    She can block whoever she wants. It's her twitter.
    What's childish is you trying to reason who she can or can't block.
    Did she misunderstand? Who knows. I can't read her mind.

    Also before you try and tell someone to "try to differentiate" try to read someone's point thoroughly, as well as be informed. She blocked that person (even though they supported her and told her they supported her) for trying to tell her free sites are okay. Everyone in the comment section most likely knows about it by now. Also I said that from HER point of view it may seem like you were defending that person. That may be the reason why you were blocked. That or she didn't care for what you said.

    Btw her twitter is a dictatorship. It's her twitter. She can do whatever the hell she pleases. People harrassing her about her choice in blocking someone isn't the way to go. She was probably annoyed by your harrassment so she blocked you.

    She's also pretty nice on twitter and retweets people's artwork. I'm starting to question what you truly said.

    jagv January 19, 2019 9:41 am
    Read the comments. The person admitted even on here in already doing so. Like complaining on mangago would get them unblocked. ¬_¬She can block whoever she wants. It's her twitter. What's childish is you tryi... Anonymouslyanonymous

    Hun, that wasn’t the only one she blocked. Like I said she let anger get to her and she basically dumped it right at me and I literally said nothing that deserved her bad attitude.