I'm shy and have a job interview in about four hours, how can I pass it?

rain_lettice January 18, 2019 6:16 pm

This may not be the right place to ask but I can't think of anywhere else so whatever I'm gonna ask anyway. So like the title says I'm shy and have a job interview. It's at Wendy's and I'm not prepared. If you've had an interview at Wendy's, what should I expect to be asked? This interview is also a reschedule from Wednesday because I was late getting there. No real good reason just lost track of time. But I'm shy and the manager last time called me out on it not in a mean way but everything she told me was true and I know it and I appreciate her being honest like that. But idk what to expect or how to get through this without my shyness getting in the way. I want to do well in this interview and get the job. And as I'm typing this I can feel the shyness starting to creep in. Ugh! It's so frustrating and annoying! Anyway, sorry for the ramble lol.

    idontknowwhattoputhere January 18, 2019 6:46 pm

    I have an interview in 30 minutes and I'm also really shy! I googled basic interview questions and the answers that go along with it :) Reddit also has people answering some too, I would say just remember to talk at a good pace catch your breathe, maybe write down your 3 top qualities and one weakness, the rest might be easier :) goodluck !!!

    yakuzahottie January 18, 2019 6:47 pm

    hey! please don't worry about it, we all have our issues. Try doing some breathing exercices now, it might help calm you down. You could also try listening to some music you like too. I'm socially awkward as well and I freeze up and become tense when I'm nervous and that actually makes me look serious while I'm actually dying inside LMAO
    During the interview you could try looking at the manager's forehead instead of eyes and you could also try holding a smile while nodding and agreeing to whatever they say.
    There's nothing wrong with being shy and I'm sure you'll get over it in time.
    best of luck!!! xx

    Mistress Nabiscö January 18, 2019 6:48 pm

    Well shit, I'm a freshmen student so I wouldn't rely know much same for the questions they'll ask at the interview but even though your shy try to answer the questions they give no matter what even if you only know little of it and try your best to not look to shy think positively it's only wendy's you have much to go so don't worry to much on it hope things go well <3

    Ichigo January 18, 2019 7:24 pm

    Job interviews are nerve wrecking in genenral. There's no real way to teach you how to ace a job jnterview but I can tell you this.
    1. For a little confidence, when the interviewer extends his or her hand for a hand shake, grip their hand firmly. It shows them you're confident and self aware.
    2. When you sit down, place your bag behind you on the chair so you sit straight up and not leaning against the chair like a slob.
    3. And then, as the interview starts, just listen to the interviewer. Really listen to them, not just hear words coming out of their mourh. Put 200% of your attention on the interviewer to prevent your mind from wandering.
    4. Be prepared for the "tell me about yourself" question. Summarize your work experiences, education level, languages you speak, and interests in your professional/career-driven future.
    5. If you get flustered or nervous and didn't hear a question correctly, it's ok. Just simply ask them:" I'm sorry, would you mind repeating the question?" Don't explain that you're nervous or anything like that, just simply ask them to repeat the question.
    6. And this is most important and the hardest to do, you have to look them in the eye. Looking someone in the eye tells them a lot about your confidence, that you can hold your own, that you're capable to individual thought, tha you're self aware, that you're willing to engage a person in conversation. It's super important especislly in customer service places like Wendy's.

    Zeffyra January 18, 2019 7:35 pm

    ...search in youtube for tips