True, not every author wants that, but the thing is, once you've grown up to understand sex, it seems only realistic to have it in a relationship since it is the ultimate act of expressing love and desire. So simply, a relationship without it seems like a story without a climax [no pun intended]. Honestly the only love stories without it should be if characters are all children, otherwise, it is completely unrealistic. Though I understand that some stories should cater to the underaged so I don't mind reading some smutless stories -note: there is a big difference between smut and porn.
I have some asexual friends, I didn't mean to exclude such cases. If the characters are indeed asexual then it should be clear, but instead, it is avoided due to censorship or so on and that is what bothers me. People show love in different ways as well but for many people, sex is the ultimate act of love. Please don't tell me to do more research, I am well aware of the differences. I specialize in writing and editing as a job. An action story or any other genre is fine without sex, but romance falls short without it unless characters are stipulated to psychologically not being able to have sex. It doesn't need to be in an extreme sexualized scene, it can even be implicated just to show relationship progress or discussed if it doesn't happen why it doesn't happen. By "realistic" I meant the average adult relationship progresses to that stage as a stage in any relationship, excluding exceptions like fanatic religious people or asexuals or impotency etc. since the characters aren't stipulated to have any untypical sexual psyches they fall into the statistical average category of people that would have sex in a romantic relationship.
why is it so short and Shounen Ai????!!!!???? This has the potential to be 30 chapters long and yaoi!